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Old 10-29-2004, 08:41 AM
Karen's Ziti's Avatar
Karen's Ziti Karen's Ziti is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Uneaten in the back of the freezer
Posts: 14

Agent Smith: Did you know the first Matrix wasn’t a virtual reality simulation at all? We just set up a bunch of PCs with “Everquest” and plopped the humans in front. Most of them kind of noticed when we tried to jam a probe into the back of their heads. Most of them.
Morpheus: Gurrk. Darrrgh. Argh.
Agent Smith: Don’t talk about my mother that way!


Agent Smith: This is the absolute pinnacle of human society you see before you. This is the absolute ultimate version of the Matrix. *cough* Seventimesover *cough*
Morpheus: What was that?
Agent Smith: Nothing. Increase the Evil Drugs of Truth dosage.
Morpheus: Oh My! What does that do?
Please don\'t eat me!! I\'m all you have left! Nooooo!!