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Old 09-17-2004, 09:51 PM
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The Nth Doctor
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Not bad at all. You're certainly playing better than I did in my first game. I was trapped in a state of spoon at the Heathrow Terminals; not a good place to be at all. Waterloo certainly does give you a number of options, but if you take a close look at the 1939 Malaysian Variant Core Rulebook, you'll see that with the game board configured as it is, I can invoke Roudebush Directive, and lock out Northern and Bakerloo lines into an antediluvian state by playing


A somewhat harsh move against a noobie, to be sure, but I'm confidant you can cope, especially if you're even vaguely familiar with how Samuel Pepys won the 1687 British Special Naval Tournament.

EDIT: I must add that with states of spoon, nip, spork, loop, and hoop all technically active, the addition of the antediluvian state (now that spork is back in play) is threatening to cause the entire game to become a Zone of Reverse Regression if the wrong move is made. Such a catastrophe has not been seen since 1312 Westphalian Tournament, and as such I'd advise everyone to play carefully.
\"Like all those who habitually and instinctively lie, he had an enormous respect and awe for the truth.\"
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