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Old 09-20-2004, 10:37 PM
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Opium is hoping for a tie!

Originally Posted by catalina_marina
Ah, so there's an equivalent! So what? :wink:

Actually, there isn't.

"I will have been running" isn't the same as "I will run", as it speaks of another time. If you're going to run tomorrow, you "will run" tomorrow, but you "will have been running" the day after tomorrow, see?
That's not what I said. I never said:

I will run (the Future) = I will have been running (The Future Perfect Past Active Progressive) (I think it might go by a different name, however)

Those are different, I said:

I will have been going to be being run = I will be being run (Future Passive Progressive)

Because the have been refers to the past, and the going to be refers to the future, in both the same amount, so they cancel out, more or less.

Originally Posted by catalina_marina
Now let's see, as I haven't quite looked at the rest of the sentence yet...
Future Perfect Future Passive Progressive. "I will have been going to be being run"
I willl, future, have been, perfect, going to, future, being, passive, run, progressive. I think. I'm not sure about the last two cases, as I can never remember them. The rest looks okay though.
Yes, that sounds about right.
Truer words were never spoken.

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