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Old 12-20-2004, 09:22 PM
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Opium Opium is offline
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Chapter 5: Prison of DOOOOM!

CAPTIAN Jack Sparrow: Oh, goody, more insanity.
Opium: We’ve gotten resquests.
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: People are yet to realize that Seko is out of the cage.
Opium: It’s better than…
CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Tut tut, PG only.

richardson: I know what I can do! *takes out flashlight from back pocket*
PHJ: Bash that light over my head? Please?
Seko: MEOW!
TopHatMan: Seko, why are you still here? You’re free!
John: Yes…unless…we’re ALL in a prison?
Mayweather: That’s right, you are all in my Prison of Doom! I do not get many lines, so…
richardson: *unlocking cage* Hey, we’re free! We’re…who are you?
Mayweather: I’m Mayweather, from Enterprise!
PHJ: You’re on Enterprise? Do you play a redshirt? A Klingon?
Mayweather: See? SEE? THIS IS WHY I HAVE KIDNAPPED YOU ALL! * breaks down crying*
John: So, richardson, you used that flashlight to short out the cage’s lock?
richardson: Yes.
John: So while Mayweather is having his breakdown, how about you do the same on the lock of the prison door.
Jake: Not so fast! I want another line!
TopHatMan: You got it. Open the door already!
richardson: *opens door*
Seko: MEOW! Look at me! I’m the centre of the story! I…
PHJ: Yay, we are free!

CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow: Right, that was interesting.
Opium: Oh, sure, like you always make total sense.
George Orwell gives meaning to TopHatMan\'s life.
Opium, Princess Heroine of Laudanum...Part of The Morphine Party: The Party For Not... Crushing... Me? :shock:
Opium. Don\'t take drugs, just read them.
Please vote Morphine! (Thanks, Zeke!)
Needing more sleep since before 2003
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