Thread: Block 17
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Old 10-23-2003, 01:26 AM
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Noodles And Hot Tofu! MMM
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[color=#000000ost_uid0](by the way, I think I liked Standback's take on Oracle better than my own. PHJ's is good too.)

A rearrangement of Kira's block:

[bost_uid0]Mouse:[/bost_uid0] Hey, Neo, how'd you like that woman in the red dress? I programmed her, y'know. I call her, "Minuet 2.0".
[bost_uid0]Morpheus:[/bost_uid0] Hey, Neo, eat up quick. We're off to see the Oracle soon. Cypher, aren't you hungry?
[bost_uid0]Cypher:[/bost_uid0] Hey, even if I were, why would I eat this rubbish here when I can go eat a steak in the Matrix?
[bost_uid0]Everyone Else:[/bost_uid0] Wha...?
[bost_uid0]Cypher:[/bost_uid0] ...What? Did I say something wrong?

A twist on PHJ's:

Neo: Why are we having chicken for breakfast?
Mouse: Speaking of chicken--
Dozer: Oh, don't you start.
Morpheus: Good morning, Neo. Today we visit the Oracle at--
Neo: Delphi?
Morpheus: Gethsemane Street in New York, actually.
Neo: Whatever. I just hope that wasn't foreshadowing.

And another bit to throw in the pot just for kicks :smile: :

Mouse: How's breakfast, Neo?
Neo: Painful. I keep poking myself with this pointy fork. Don't you people have even a single spoon?
Tank: Sorry, Neo. There is no spoon. Morpheus gave them all to some brat for some project.[/colorost_uid0]

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