Thread: October 26
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Old 11-03-2005, 12:15 PM
Blue Midget Blue Midget is offline
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by Zeke
Nope. That newspost is from before the Smallville event, and that's the one I was referring to.
That'll teach me to come to a party late, part of a reason why I hardly ever go to them.

If by 5MM you mean Metroid, that's unfortunately still a back-burner event -- IJD and I often talk about it, but we haven't had the time to sit down and do it yet.
This, I can understand. Do you include sequence breaks and glitch exploits? Does Samus encounter dead ends, as you'd think she would, only having one chance to save or blow up whatever planet she's on? (For various obvious reasons, question is not compatible with Metroid Fusion.)

Do you want me to change your username, Hejira? 'Cause I can do that.
As long as it doesn't involve me having to answer an email. I can't login to gmail to save my life. Or activate an account to bags a Deep Space Nine episode to five. Either one is good.
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