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Old 05-29-2003, 09:38 PM
Quinalla Quinalla is offline
Distant relative of Tegan and Sara
Join Date: May 2003
Location: Ohio, USA
Posts: 28

- Most of the shots of Zion, but especially the temple scene with Morpheus's speech followed by a massive celebration while Trinity and Neo have sex. Was there even a point to it? The whole time I was watching the scene I thought "Will this ever end? Why didn't they edit this out?" Perhaps Revolutions will bring it some meaning....[/quoteost_uid0]
I really hate any sex/sexual scenes thrown into a movie with no purpose, however, I really thought this one fit. I may be way off, but I got a lot out of this scene. The big thing it said to me is "We are humans! We are not machines! We are not being controlled and we are free! We are alive!" Especially for people like Neo and Trinity that spend a lot of time in the Matrix, the need to feel alive and real has got to be overwhelming. Also, the desire to lose oneself in sex or music or dancing and just be, not thinking about all the problems. I felt the same as you when I first started watching this scene, but as I thought about it, it really made sense. I would agree that the scene was perhaps a tad long, but it made a solid impact that way.

The thing I disliked most about the movie was the scenes with their new operater (can't even remember his name which shows how much I didn't care about his character). I wish they had either left them out or done more with it because I really didn't care about him and the scenes with him and his woman seemed pointless to me (though funny). I cared more about that hanger-on guy that kept bugging Neo and crew.

The most confusing scenes were the ones where our heros were getting ready to get Neo into the core. They kept cutting back and forth from scenes that weren't happening at the same time, though I imagine a second viewing will make it a little easier.

Absolutely loved all the action scenes, when Neo was fighting the million Smiths it was just hilarious. I could see the directors planning that scene out. The architect scene was great as others have mentioned. The oracle was hilarious again, I love her character. This one also had more laugh-out-loud lines in it for me than the first one.

I can't wait to see who is lying, who is telling the truth, who is on who's side, what the heck is the guy who I think has Smith in him going to do, what happened to Neo, what is going on with the guy protecting the oracle, will we see the french guy again, and a million other questions. Thank goodness I don't have to wait a year![/colorost_uid0]

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