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Old 10-29-2004, 10:02 PM
Karen's Ziti's Avatar
Karen's Ziti Karen's Ziti is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Uneaten in the back of the freezer
Posts: 14

AGENT SMITH: Human beings are a virus. And we are the Viagra.
MORPHEUS: What good does that do?
AGENT SMITH: Well it turns Bob Dole into a dirty old man for starters...

TANK: What do you need?
NEO: Lightsabers. Lots of lightsabers.
TRINITY: Sweet deal! I've always wanted to use one of these-
GEORGE LUCAS: Copyright infringement alert! Hayden attack!
GEORGE LUCAS: Can't you do anything aside from cry?
NEO: Nevermind, lets just go with guns.

AGENT SMITH: I'm going to ask you nicely, this time. Give me the key to the Zion mainframe.
MORPHEUS: Go jam it up your non-existent posterior.
AGENT SMITH: Sigh. Ok, lets try a different tactic. You ever listen to K Billy's Sounds of the Seventies?
RADIO: Yes I’m stuck in the middle with you . . . Stuck in the middle with you…
MORPHEUS: Ah heck...
Please don\'t eat me!! I\'m all you have left! Nooooo!!