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Old 03-31-2007, 01:43 AM
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The finger Nintendo has placed on the public's pulse is doing some damn impressive tactile perception. Asking the public what they want? Are you sure you don't mean asking you what you want? Wii and DS are both EXTREMELY popular right now. What's to complain about?

In terms of proper beta testing, why don't you do a comparison to Microsoft's X "Our system freezes permanently" Boxes. Or Sony's Play "Whoops, our power cords melt" Stations. Everybody screws up. Everybody fixes their screw-ups. What's to complain about?

Finally, I was referring to the Wii, not the PS3 in terms of "costing more than two hundred dollars". Anybody mad that the final system cost $250 is (1) not paying attention to the competition, and (2) not paying attention to the history of launch prices.

Finally finally, the nobody cares about whether or not the name sucks anymore. And for the record, the name "Revolution" sucks.