Thread: September 3
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Old 09-04-2004, 08:36 PM
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BR48 BR48 is offline
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Posts: 19

Great fiver, Kira! It was hilarious all the way through. Its tempting to just quote the whole thing, but I think my favorite parts were:

Aragorn: Well, we can't stop because... um....
Legolas: Because we have to rescue Merry and Pippin.
Aragorn: Right. Who were....
Legolas: Taken by Orcs! Honestly, if you didn't spend so much time trying to make yourself look rugged and manly, maybe you'd remember these things.
Aragorn: Hey, I'm not the one who insisted on packing his skin and hair-care products before we left Amon Hen.
Poor Merry and Pippen. Always getting forgotten.

Legolas: A red sun rises....
Aragorn: What's your point?
Legolas: No point. It's just pretty.
There goes Legolas with the helpful comments again.

Gimli: Gasp! Their tiny belts... and look, tiny cut ropes, and tiny little footprints heading away from the battle towards the forest. Poor little dead hobbits....
Aragorn: They're alive! They ran into Fangorn forest!
Legolas: Fangorn forest? Are they insane?
Pippin: Oh, like you could have come up with a better plan while being chased by Orcs and attacked by the Rohirrim.
Aragorn: Quiet, you, you're only in the flashback.
Pippin: Aw.
Gimli's poor reasoning skills and Pippin thinking he can interact in the middle of a flashback, all in one convenient scene. Very nice.

Legolas: Silence, talking fern!

Sam: No, really! You're supposed to just escort us a little ways then let us go!
Faramir: You must have me confused with someone with fewer jerk-like qualities.
So true.

Sam: You know, Frodo, I've been thinking. Our quest may be difficult, and seem impossible, but in all those great stories about -- hey, are you listening to me? This is my big inspirational spiel!
Frodo: (holding out the Ring) Here, Nazgūl, Nazgūl, Nazgūl....
Sam: Stop that!
That's Frodo for you; he just loves those Nazgūl.

Frodo: I promise. Besides, Sméagol's on our side now. Right, Sméagol?
Gollum: Mwahahahahaha!
Frodo: See? Nothing to worry about.
Alas, Frodo is so pathetically oblivious. It's sad, really.

So long, and thanks for all the references to Five Minute FOTR.
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