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Old 06-28-2020, 05:28 PM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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EC Henry says that Bajorans and Cardassians are the same species.

His claim is that this particular hybrid is the only cross-species child that we've ever seen that can reproduce without external medical intervention.

For the moment I'll accept that Sarek and Amanda needed external intervention to conceive Spock. Some novels even state that he was a test-tube baby that was later implanted. But let's look at all of the hybrids mentioned in Trek:

Talla the Andorian/Aenar. The Aenar are really a subspecies of Andorian, so this doesn't count and shouldn't really be on the list.

Various Betazoid/Human hybrids. There's no mention of medical intervention, but I suppose it's possible. Betazed sure seems like they've been members of the Federation long enough for any "intervention" to be minor and routine, probably just a hypospray for both parties.

Deanna and Worf's parallel Klingon/Betazoid/Human children. No mention of intervention, but probably likely. Dr. Crusher would have enough experience with both to keep it minimal, I'll bet.

Lwaxana's half-Tavnian son. This one is problematic, because if intervention was required by Tavnian doctors you'd think this whole "if it's a boy you'll have to give him up" thing would've come up sooner. Personally I hated that episode thoroughly.

Seska and Culluh's child. This is a linchpin. Would Seska PRETEND to be taking her shots to create a child with Culluh? Furthermore, would Culluh want a child with a non-Kazon in the first place, instead of simply a concubine who can give him good ideas? For that matter, would the Delta Quadrant races in or near Kazon territory believe in medical intervention to create hybrids? Only the Vidiians seemed to have sufficient medical knowledge to facilitate such hybrids, didn't they?

(Meaningless aside: Kes and Neelix certainly acted like they could create a child without external intervention. If Kes needed medical intervention, I doubt "The Phage" would've provided adequate time to do so. Furthermore, Kes would've done the necessary preparations as soon as Voyager's medical knowledge became available even if she wasn't planning on needing it for a few years.)

Nikolai Roshenko and Dobara's child. Seemingly no intervention. While I suppose Nikolai could've used the tech in his outpost, I doubt it would have full medical technology. Furthermore, slipping her a hypospray while she slept seems like unethical behavior.

Phlox and Cole's children. We don't have enough evidence one way or the other.

Naomi Wildman. It's mentioned that Samantha and Greskrendtregk had been trying for awhile, so intervention seems likely.

Klingon/Human. Intervention needed for full Klingons, none needed for half-Klingons.

Klingon/Romulan. Intervention possible, not enough evidence. Given the length of the Klingon/Romulan alliance in the 23rd century, I imagine the kinks have been worked out and it's just a hypo on both sides.

Klingon/Trill. Intervention needed.

Ocampa/Human. None mentioned, but I'm sure Doc could figure out what's needed.

Romulan/Human. This one's important. I doubt Sela's father (a novel gives his name as Volskiar, FYI)would want to go through the bother of intervention to have a child with a Human concubine, so this one seems natural.

Trill/Human. None mentioned, but I think it would be necessary.
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Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

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