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Old 04-01-2006, 04:49 AM
richardson richardson is offline
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Default Richardson and the quest... of DOOMMM!


Richardson: Heh... there we go, my new White Ninja Trophy all shiny. *Place-a*
Muse: Sir Richardson!
Richardson: AHHH! How'd you get aboard my ship, past the several hundred marines, through my multi-plexed locked door, saw-tooth redundantly intermeshed security force-fields, and the obquitous swinging blade traps?
Muse: *Rolls eyes, holds up Muse Pass* You, Sir Richardson, are needed for a great and glorious quest! With the powerful Zeke banned from this space-time continuum, havoc has ensued. Furbies are mating Tribbles, pie is mixing with muffins... *Grabs Richardson by the shirt.* KLINGONS ARE PARTYING WITH ROMULANS AND NOT TRYING TO KILL EACH OTHER!
Richardson: GAH! The horror! Wait, what does this have to do with me? Shouldn't Ginga and Seko be handling Quests (of DOOMM!) and other such problems?
Muse: Well... err.... their last quest went rather badly, as well as... well, you're the one for this quest, along with Yodck.
Yodck: Called me, did you?
Muse: GAH! How'd he get there?
Richardson: Vulcan Kolinar training, crossed with Yoda level Force Skills. In other words: Don't know, really don't want to find out. So, the quest?
Muse: Just head out to the Mirroraa system, and you'll find the start of your quest. *POOF!*
Richardson: Double great leaping GAH! I hate it when they do that.
Yodck: Job to be done, time not for hiding in the trophy closet.
Richardson: *Taps Badge* Helm, set a course for the Mirroraa system, maximum LUDICROUS SPEED!

To be continued...
CO, USS Kep Salu

Evil Emperor of the Black Isles.......

Yodck: The perfect Anti-Sith butt-whooping, going medival Jedi Master! (Complete with nerve pinches, and strange vulcan sayings spoken in yoda tounge.)
The site of strange things.

I reject your reality and subsititute my own!
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