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Old 04-05-2006, 01:51 AM
richardson richardson is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Bridge of the USS Kep Salu
Posts: 476
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Richardson: So, you're basicly giving us no clue what this quest of doom is about, right?
Muse: Nope.
Richardson: It had better not have anything to do with these annoying Cylon dudes... I keep on having to photon torpedo them from warp every 33 minutes...

Episode I: The Lost Site!
Richardson Personal Log: After taking several days longer than needed to get to the Mirronia system, mostly due to some borg wannabes who kept on attacking us every 33 minutes, we have at last arrived, to find total chaos. Signs of the powerful master of the Five Minutes, Zeke, fleet nearly totally destroyed in orbit, we have decided to go to 'There is no Spoon' alert, the maximum possible level.
Richardson: Yodck, you're telling me that the fleet has been completely destroyed? What about that big spoon flagship of Zeke's?
Yodck: Spoon there is not!
Richardson: Just because at that alert, doesn't mean you have to say that every time I ask about Zeke's ship...
Yodck: Truth it is. Yourself look upon the lack of spoon.
Richardson: *Lean* Hey... you're right... well, at least he got away. He's probably heading back to earth to end his exile...
Yodck: Think not, do I. Disturbance, I have felt... Comes from planet, does it...
Richardson: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Yodck: Not toy time?
Richardson: Toy time...

*Less than 5 minutes later...*
Viridian Fool: *FWHOOSHA!*
Richardson: I'm driving down the- *PONG!* Ow, Yodck, what was that about?
Yodck: Drive you must, sing, must not. One you are good at, the other causes small forms of life to die.
Richardson: *Grumble-mumble-groan.* hey, look... an odd complex, circular, almost...
Yodck: Pie cleche, perhaps?
Richardson: Well, I see a docking bay. I'll bring our uber-cool, easily hijackable ship in for a landing.
Yodck: Bad feeling, have I...
Richardson: *Hatch-pop* Come on, it's not like we've entered the mirror universe or anything. Not even chakotay comes this far out. It's easily hijackable, not understandable by people with an IQ smaller than an acorn...
Yodck: Point, not taken was it.
Richardson: Um... Hey! Look, a mysterious and dark hall-way. Must be part of our quest. Let's go look inside, as per the mad adventurer rulebook!
Yodck: Bad feeling deja-vu have I...
Richardson: Okay... why do I suddenly feel really stupid right now?
Yodck: Eiree wind noises perhaps...
Richardson: Nah, that's just the wind. *Vader noise...* Breathing hard... right behind me.. *Turns around.* YOU! *SMACKA!* AH! Jeeze, the front of my face!
Yodck: Hurt not! Too good looking to die! *Smack!*

.......: So predictable... this galaxy will be easy to conquer....

To be continued....

ooooOOOOOoooooo Okay, bad sound effect attempt.
CO, USS Kep Salu

Evil Emperor of the Black Isles.......

Yodck: The perfect Anti-Sith butt-whooping, going medival Jedi Master! (Complete with nerve pinches, and strange vulcan sayings spoken in yoda tounge.)
The site of strange things.

I reject your reality and subsititute my own!
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