Thread: Holy question
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Old 06-19-2006, 07:59 AM
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Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
What you don't often hear about Galilei is just how much of a shit-stirrer he was. He deliberately sent-up the Pope who had, up until then, supported him. How would you react to being parodied in a book after giving support to the author?
That gives them the right to class him as a heretic? Keep him under house arrest for the rest of this life? Refuse to allow anyone to believe his (Mostly Correct) Theories? Shouldn't a pope be able to 'Forgive and Forget'? In Any case this happened not just with Galilei, but with many others. They were a threat to Christianity.

Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
Did you know that the tenets of this country's law is based on thousand year old beliefs? Does that make it outmoded and wrong? Does that mean that all of a sudden its right to steal?
Did you know that it was the Law for a man to keep a slave? Or that Women couldn't vote. But do we still have those laws? No. Of course not. Because they do not apply to TODAY'S world. Women are equal to men. Why then is it hard for females to join the church, and attain higher levels?
Yes change in the law can be hard, but it can come round, because the law of a country is not the basis of that countries beliefs - it's an extension of the countries needs. Do we need to protect against theft? Yes, that’s why we have laws against them. Do we need to protect against people of different sexual orientations marrying? No. That’s why the idea of changing laws to 'Outlaw' things that a people 'don't like' is so dangerous.
But laws do change - Religious 'Laws' do not. They can't because, how can you change something that was supposedly influenced by a God? You can't. What was written then has to stay right up till now.
But the problem is....then doesn't always work, with now.

Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
For the record, Christianity is based on two-thousand year old laws and beliefs.
For the record’s record, as Christianity is based partly on the Old Testament’s ‘Laws and Beliefs’ and it was written between the 5th and 2nd Century BC, Christianity is somewhat more than two-thousand.

Originally Posted by Chancellor Valium
That still doesn't mean that it is wrong to love your neighbour as yourself.
Watch the Irish Catholics throw things at Protestant children as they go to school, and vice versa, and then make that claim….
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