Thread: Block 18
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Old 12-28-2003, 04:18 AM
g-blatt g-blatt is offline
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: The Center of my id
Posts: 12

[color=#000000ost_uid0]I vote for myself Â

[quoteost_uid0]Neo: What did the Oracle tell you?
Morpheus: She told me that I shall stop slapping people with fish. And that I would find THE FIVE.
Neo: you mean THE ONE.
Morpheus: UmÂ… erÂ… umÂ… oh crap...
*waves hand*
Morpheus: You diden't hear that! btw have you met Spoon boy?

Neo: So Spoon boy can I have a spoon?
Spoon Boy: There is no spoon. ItÂ’s simply an unconfused astroprojection of underling metaphors representing the power of will and Dillbert.
Neo: I like shiny thingsÂ…
Spoon Boy: Just bend the stupid spoon already, Kid!
Neo: How?
Spoon Boy: Use the forks, dummy!

\"There are two kinds of people in this world my friend: those with rope around there necks and those who do the cuting!\"
–The Man With No Name