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Old 08-24-2005, 12:58 PM
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danieldoof danieldoof is offline
I fell in the pit
You fell in the pit
We all fell in the piiiiit
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 1,637

okay I thought a bit and decided to go on to some not so light subject......

what do you think about our existence as human beings....for example far back reach your memories?
it is difficult to believe that *boom* our mind just pops into existence and with the same *boom* disappears when we die...

I find it very difficult to accept that our existence will end in a single moment later on...then there comes believe into play......could it be that after death we will exist further in another of our many dimensions?
will there be a rest of our existence left in this one?

it is also difficult to grasp what our so called "free will" really is
some scientist say that an impulse for for example arm moving an arm is there before we even realise that we want to move our arm

and is the uncertainty principle really imporant in telling if there is a free will or not.....

philosophy a bit :wink:
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