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Old 02-05-2005, 04:14 AM
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Ginga Ginga is offline
Outside looking in
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Well... I never got into Enterprise. Every other Trek I can sit through, but just not Enterprise. I found it boring. The characters felt so bland.

And then when everyone was telling me it was getting great, I tried again to watch it. I don't remember what episode it was, but someone died, and I KNEW he was going to die. It was all so predictable. I just gave up then.

Not only that, but Enteprise practically rewrote the whole history of Star Trek. No. Just... no. I can only begin to wonder if the ending is just going to turn out to be a reset button, that the show will be one whole reset button. I can't even begin to express how much that would 1.) scare me, and 2.) would make me roll off the couch laughing.

Running out of ideas is not a good thing. I think the entirety of Enterprise was an absence of ideas. And now because of it, Trek needs a break. It needs a fresh staff, it needs something new to pull it out of oblivion.

Do I think the cancellation is horrible? In a way. It's an impending series finale, and series finales ALWAYS make me depressed, no matter what series it is. I watched the finale of Frasier after having barely watched it at all, and a tear slipped down my cheek. Because this is a Trek finale, it will be worse for me because of the simple fact that it's Trek. A show in one of my favorite series is ending, and that will most certainly make me sad.

On the other hand, I'm glad the cancellation is happening. In this other view, I don't think the cancellation is horrible at all. If anything, it's a mercy killing. Enterprise just wasn't doing it for me, and not one episode, with the exception of "Singularity", could hold my attention. And apparently it wasn't doing it for more than half the nation.

So I shall now end this long post and leave you to sift through it. I apologize for its length, but I had a lot of things to get off my chest about it that I couldn't bring myself to say in any other threads, because it would've been rude.

And there you have it. Another Trek ends not only on a Friday the 13th, but a day before my birthday as well. It's a shame they couldn't pull it out of its ditch... no. Sorry. It was more of a hellhole, honestly... to go on for 7 seasons.
What further instructions could there be besides, 'Kiss your ass goodbye'?
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