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Old 09-21-2004, 01:13 PM
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Sa'ar Chasm Sa'ar Chasm is offline
Our last, best hope for peace
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Sitting (in Ottawa)
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Revisionism should only be allowed to go so far, even where George Lucas is concerned.
Case in point:

Stormtrooper 1: Look -- droid parts.
Stormtrooper 2: The footsteps lead off in this direction. Let's go.
Stormtrooper 1: We'd be making much better time if we didn't have all these dewbacks slowing us down.
Stormtrooper 2: We have -- hey, where did those come from?
Other treasured bits:
[quote]C3PO: Another fine mess you've gotten us into, dipstick.[/quote[

Every great comedy duo has a tall skinny one and a short fat one who communicates in gibberish.

Luke: He what? Is he trying to get me killed?
C3PO: I wouldn't be at all surprised, sir.
I sense an emerging theme.

Luke: Is that a lightsaber? I've always wanted to play with one of those. Schwing! Schwing!
Obi-Wan: You don't have to make the sounds.

Obi-Wan: I've found a pilot to take us to Alderaan.
Luke: You're going to let that thing fly us?
Chewbacca: Rooowwoorrrr!
Solo: Watch your mouth, kid. Wookiees don't take kindly to insults.
Luke: I wasn't talking about the Wookiee.

Imperial Soldier: Is there anybody in there?
Solo: No!
Imperial Soldier: The ship appears to be deserted, sir.
Where would heroes be without inept bad guys?

Solo: We've got fighters on our tail.
Luke: Yes! Tetris!
Solo: Luke!
Luke: Oh, right. Shooting the Imperial Fighters. Sorry.
I'm surprised they can hit anything with that targetting grid.

Leia: So you're just going to take the reward and leave us to die?
Solo: Darlin', sometimes you just gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, know when to walk away, and know when to run just long enough to look like a hero when you come back to save the day.
Now *that's* how you use song lyrics in a fiver (are you taking notes, me?)

Leia: Luke Skywalker, for sheer dumb luck, I award you this medal.
Luke: Sweet!
All: Yay!
Leia: And to you, Han Solo, I award this medal for running like a chicken until the last possible second.
Solo: Oo! Shiny!
All: Yay!
Chewbacca: Rooowwoorrrr!
Leia: Sorry, I'm all out.
All: Boo!
(Chewbacca sulks at Ludicrous Speed)
Poor Chewie. The amount of respect you get in the Star Wars universe is inversely proprotional to the amount of body hair you have.

Very impressive, Kira. A great start to your magnificent octopus.

The first run through of any experimental procedure is to identify any potential errors by making them.
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