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Old 05-12-2006, 11:35 AM
AntonyF AntonyF is offline
Server dude
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 5

Hi everyone,

As I've said to Zeke "No phpBB on the new server", I thought I'd pop in and give a bit of info.

Zeke has explained why I'm anti phpBB, so don't need to go over that. But I am very pro-vBulletin for many reasons.
  • It's a very good system, adaptable and offers a lot.
    Updates are pretty easy for the system.
    They update a lot to fix holes, and sometimes not even their holes. They issued a patch recentlly to counter a problem with IE.
    I have started to use vBulletin and, also as Zeke says, want to use it more and more. I can more easily manage the server if we're on systems I know and I can even help in keeping vBulletin up to date.
    vBulletin allows import from phpBB.
You seem to have some very dedicated and helpful people here Zeke, so if you guys can help then that's very kind and I do recommend vBulletin.

If you need any help in terms of collecting money, Christian or I should be able to help. Otherwise my help will be technical, and I'll do whatever I can to make the process go more smoothly.

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