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Old 11-10-2016, 01:58 PM
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November 10th, 1966, "The Corbomite Maneuver"

The Fiver (by IJD GAF)
Memory Alpha Page

The episode:

* Ugh, photographs.
* I consider it a lost opportunity that they had to create Bailey for this. If they'd held off until the end of the season they could've shipped off one of the side characters like DeSalle, Farrell, Kyle, M'Benga, Riley, or even Janice Rand. It certainly would've made for a more emotional connection.
* McCoy's line about "If I jumped every time a light came on around here, I'd end up talking to myself." is funny. He did end up like that!
* Going through the script I feel that Bailey was given way too many lines for a one-off. Even Stiles in "Balance of Terror" wasn't given that many lines. With the screentime Bailey got you could be forgiven for thinking that he'd become a recurring character like those I listed above.
* That being said, I do like that there's a bit more of the bridge crew coordinating with other parts of the ship. It makes you feel that there really are all of these other people below the bridge running the ship.
* "United Earth ship Enterprise"? I wonder if this was one of those times that UESPA is managing the mission instead of Starfleet.
* Does anyone else think that Kirk is the only captain who would have the audacity for such a lie as the corbomite maneuver?
* Does anyone else wonder what tranya tastes like?

The fiver:

Uhura: We have to photograph the stars to chart them? That's lame.

Yes, Nyota, it is.

Spock: (over the comm) What's more important? An unstopable alien cube, or the support of female viewers?
Kirk: Ah, a question the creators of Voyager never quite answered.

Typo aside, that's clever.

Balok: Yep. It gets lonely here, so I devised a plan to capture myself a friend. Which one of you will it be?
Kirk: I know the perfect man for the job. Kirk to Enterprise; beam myself and Doctor McCoy up.
Bailey: Wha...? Don't I even get a say?
Kirk: Nope, and that's an order, redshirt. Energize.

Redshirts never get a say, I thought that was in the contract.

Memory Alpha:

* The moon shuttle conductor article at Memory Alpha is laughably short. The moon shuttle article is little better. I assume that this is just a shuttle between Earth and Luna, probably a very boring job. The transporter range value of 40,000 kilometers is pretty well established, and the moon is about ten times that distance from Earth, so a moon shuttle would have to be a thing. Unless you would prefer the idea of transporter relay satellites akin to the Intergalactic Gate Bridge.
* First Federation? Wouldn't that confuse the casual viewer?
* Apparently the moon shuttle conductor line in this episode is the first use of McCoy's recurring joke.
* Uhura wears a gold uniform for this episode. The simplest explanation I can think of is that UESPA is in command of this mission, and they put Communications in the Command sector instead of Operations like Starfleet does.

Youtube clips:

* Kirk and McCoy clips. Interesting how McCoy notices the red alert light flashing but doesn't tell Kirk. Also, I always thought those blocks in the wall that you have to push in and out were silly. Also includes the "moon shuttle conductor" line and "talking to myself" from McCoy.
* Someone dubstepped the tranya scene. I shouldn't have to be the only one to see it.
* Someone turned the episode into a sitcom by converting clips to sepia-tone and adding goofy sound effects.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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