Thread: November 23
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Old 11-29-2004, 09:32 PM
Anonymous Anonymous is offline
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Posts: 327

Originally Posted by Wade, The Sane Commodore
Whoa, whoa, ya all need to calm down here. First and foremost, let's remember we're dealing with a show on television, not interstellar politics.

Secondly, let me say this and p.o. everyone: Enterprise is not Trek. DS9 is not Trek. Do you know what Trek is? Let me tell you. Trek is Capt. Kirk landing on a planet, seducing the native women, beating up goons, having a redshirt get killed, and talking a computer into exploding. For time filler you have Bones and Spock arguing the finer points of humanity and Scotty off drinking somewheres with Chekov talking about how the USSR invented warp drive. Sulu, Rand, Uhura, Chapel hang out in the wardroom until the plot needs their characters or an alien hostage that we can't let get killed. That is Trek, ladies and gentlemen. So what is Enterprise, you ask? Ha! I do have an answer! Enterprise is the "Behind the Scenes" of Trek. You have legit stories on real Trek (TOS, TNG, VOY) but DS9 and ENT want to let you know how it all works. I for one have no idea how warp drive works, furthermore I don't care. It doesn't add anything to the plot. If Geordi says he needs more anti-matter or more kerosene the idea remains the same. And at the end of the episode the giant reset button is pushed and the Enterprise sails off at Ludicrous Speed. Every show an adventure, interchangable with all the others. That model survived 17 seasons of great Trek. Let me ask you: if Enterprise was filmed in real time, would anyone watch it? No. Unless the premise of the episode was "T'Pol gets stuck in decon", it would be boring as all get out. Why am I saying all this? Where am I going? Right here. If Enterprise's Season 4+ plot lines boil down to "How T'Pol got her Vulcan Back", it is finished as a respectable show. Because the evolving character gimick isn't Trek, its behind the scenes drama. And Trek is not drama.
Umm a bit confusing. The warp drive thing. Some people enjoy theoretical consepts. You were kinda all over the place here. All I can say is I probably don't agree with you. Probably.
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