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Old 10-15-2007, 01:14 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Default Five-Minute "Rising I + II"

I wrote these... oh, years ago, now. Very little editing, but I have fivers for the first seven episodes of Atlantis. I tried getting them published, but Zeke and I have email issues, and, frankly, I think he realized they sucked and was tactfully attempting to lose them.

But I don't care anymore! There are no recent updates to the sites, these fivers are just collecting dust, and I had a hard day today. I hope you don't mind the 5MSG forum clutter.

So here's your first. Even if unrefined, I hope it's worth a laugh or two at times.

Five-Minute “Rising”
By Wowbagger

Several Million Years Ago:
Woman: You ever wonder why we’re here?
Man: It's one of life's great mysteries, isn't it? I mean, why are we here? Are we--?
Woman: Shut up. It was rhetorical.

Beckett: I am so afraid of this chair.
Weir: Great. We were just having problems coming up with B-plots. I’ll sign you up on chair duty for... how’s the rest of the season sound?

Daniel Jackson: Cameo! I can’t go with you because I have that whole bit with the Replicators this season, but take a look at this eight-cypher Gate Key.
Weir: I count nine.
Jackson: McKay! I told you to stop drawing in the Canadian flag and labeling it “The Ultimate Cypher!”

Meta-Wier: Hey, look! Our new opening credits. What’s with the helicopter?
Meta-McKay: They’re not showing the aising-ray of tlantis-Ay in order to keep it a surprise.
Meta-Weir: What? We get to raise Atlantis?
Meta-McKay: *sigh*

Beckett: So, uh... just what will I be controlling from the chair?
McKay: The most powerful weapons in the galaxy. Try not to focus on it too much.
Beckett: Okay. Instead, I’ll imagine somthing nice and safe. I’m flying!
(explosions are heard as the weapon starts flying)

O’Neill: *sigh* Any idea what the forty-seventh thing to try to kill me this week is? Looks a bit like an Ancient drone.
Sheppard: No, it’s too small. I wonder what—Holy crap, that thing’s an AIBO! MOVE!

McKay: Now would be a good time to turn the chair off.
Beckett: Hang on. I’m going to wait until I can get within about one foot of killing the star from the other show.
McKay: Good to hear we’re making some lasting relationships with the SG-1 crew.

Sheppard: AHHHHHHHH!
Aibo #1: Bark! Bark! Bark! GAK!
O’Neill: Curmudge, curmudge, curmudge.
Sheppard: I find it foreboding how that Aibo is numbered.

McKay: All we need is your most powerful device, and we’ll be sure to bring you back some nifty pictures of Ancients and stuff.
O’Neill: Not gonna do it.
Weir: What if we promise to come back with a large army of extremely powerful aliens close behind us?
O’Neill: Oh, well then. Have fun.

Beckett: Hey! Major, you turned on the chair!
O’Neill: Dang. I always liked being the only one on the SGC who could run this Ancient stuff. *thinks* Say... how would you like to be marooned in a whole ‘nother galaxy...?

Weir: Okay, equipment checklist! Bad attitudes!
Sheppard and Ford: Check.
Weir: Obnoxious yet adorable scientific team!
McKay and Beckett: Check.
Weir: Technobabble generators, plot diversion fields, forty-seven cases of pie!
Sumner: Check.
Weir: Enough power to get us home!
Luggage Guy: Here’s the last of your pie, sir. You going to tip me with cash?
Sumner: Cheque.
Weir: Okay, I’d say we’re good to go!

Sumner: We seem to be underwater.
Weir: Why would Atlantis be underwater? I’m stunned.

Station Commander’s Log: Am I allowed to make these?

Hologram: If anyone ever comes back here be sure not to use the fridge. I think I left a few salads in there. Also, be sure to feed the Aib--er... dogs, and trash collection is on Thursdays.
McKay: Noooo! Power loss! *slide tackles Beckett*

McKay: We’re all gonna die without a Zed PM in, like, a day.
Sheppard: Canadian lies! We all know that Milo saved Atlantis from the Russians. Power was never a problem.
(awkward silence)
Weir: ...Major, this isn’t the Disney movie.
Sheppard: Sure it isn’t. Look, there’s Milo now.
Zelenka: Why are you pointing at me?

Sheppard: Hi. We’re here to chat. I’ll be doing most of the talking, because, as it turns out, Colonel Sumner’s first name is Cavit.
Teyla: Sweet. You have any catsuit babes over there on Atlantis?
Sheppard: Unless you count Dr. Weir...
Ford: Ahhh! *tries to tear eyes out*
Sheppard: I’ll take that as a no, then... What did you say you wanted for a starting salary?

Station Commander’s Log: Oh, right, the log recorder is out of power. I’m just talking to this wall. Which may be a sign of insanity.
This Wall: Ya think?

Teyla: Here we are in the old hiding place. Flirt with me shamelessly.
Sheppard: Okay. You like college football?
Teyla: What are you talking about?
Sheppard: Just breaking the ice, you know?
Teyla: “Breaking the Ice?” From Season One! Gods above, Major, doesn’t your society have any perception of the unspeakable?!
Wraith: Who dares discuss cheap imitations of mediocre episodes like “Terra Nova?”
Sheppard: Well, I see our galaxies share a common hatred of Bermaga, at least.
Wraith: And for creating that monster, we will punish all humanity, everywhere! Die!
Sheppard: I don’t suppose we can agree that Manny Coto’s a really cool guy?

Forum Lurker
CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.

Last edited by Wowbagger; 10-15-2007 at 05:36 AM.
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Old 10-15-2007, 01:30 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Weir: I’ll have the Aibo and the pie.
Sumner: We make salads on Thursdays.
Sheppard: I’ll have ice.
Teyla: I agree.
Sheppard: Cool.

Wraith: No, we can’t!
Lots of People: GOK!
Sheppard: Gok? Sounds Klingon.
Wraith: It’s a stand-in for GAK! we came up with for when somebody doesn’t really die, but is as good as dead, because they’re never getting any more screen time. Like when we beam them up. Like your Colonel Sumner here.
Sumner: GUK!
Sheppard: What the...?
Wraith: Don’t ask us.

Meta-Weir: Haha! Look at our title screen this week!
Meta-McKay: Yeah. Looks like somebody split the original two-hour episode in two, and then realized that neither the sequence for Part I or next week would work.
Meta-Wier: So they’re just showing us a random picture of the ocean for a minute thirty-eight while the music plays and the credits roll. Hilarious!
Meta-McKay: You really need to get out more.

McKay: We are seriously going to die here.
Deus Ex Machina: Hi! Just got off the set of “Twilight.” What was it you needed?
Weir: City. Out of the water.
Deus Ex Machina: Right. So you can fix your title sequence.
McKay: No, those are our meta-selves. Mostly right now it’s just concern for the plot; short series if we all die in the first episode.
Deus Ex Machina: I see your point. How will you be paying me?
Weir: Our entire effect budget for the next three months. Equal to one optical shot on Enterprise.

Station Commander’s Log: There goes our standard opening episode moving-the-immobile-station sequence. Back to brooding over my starship envy. And we didn’t even get a cool shot of Atlantis’s reaction control thrusters! Or a wormhole!

Weir: You don’t need a rescue mission. I’m sure Colonel Sumner is all right. I mean, what are the Wraith going to do, torture him?
Sheppard: Yes.
Weir: But... the Geneva Conventions!
Sheppard: Don’t apply to Russian smugglers.
(awkward silence)
Weir: You almost had me emotional there. And then the Disney reference.

Wraith: *growl*
Sumner: Hi, there. Wanna talk to me?
Wraith: No way. You GUKed, and now you scare us.

Weir: Okay, the address is four-two-A-space-nine-B.
Grodin: Got it. *telemetry comes back*
Weir: Whoa! When I said “space,” I was referring to the space bar. Not that kind of space.
Grodin: What? Sorry. I got a little spaced out there.
McKay: This is the scene our Canadian carrier network paid for, isn’t it?

Sheppard: This is Puddlejumper, ready for take-off.
Chase Masterson: (Voiceover) Thank you for flying TrekUnited. Please put out all cigarettes and make sure your life support indicators are all set to green. Have a pleasant flight!
Ford: And this was the scene those TrekUnited people paid for. Skrell, they’re everywhere! First they bother Paramount, then they trash every sci-fi board online, then they’re whining to SciFi about how they don’t have a place for the show... I mean, Phlox those stupid Phloxing Phloxers!
Sheppard: No kidding... say, you know what happened to my pink dancing elephant toy? Could have sworn it was right here...

Sheppard: Dude, this ship is reading my mind. Look. I ask for a pie, I get pie. It’s even Pecan! And... what’s this? ‘Please fund a fifth season of Enterprise?’ Oh, Phlox. Our own ship watches another show in our franchise’s time slot.
Ford: don’t look at thiS now, but A VidEo just appEared on this screeN. iT’s EnteRing PaRts of... I think it’s a Subliminal mEssage of some kind.

Sumner: Hey, is that food? Sweet! I haven’t eaten in hours!
Wraith: Since you’re the big brawny American male leader stereotype, you’re not actually supposed to eat any of this stuff.
Sumner: You have any hot dogs?
Wraith: The food is just there as a metaphor.
Sumner: Okay, how about burgers?
Sumner: I’ll take that as a no on the extra ketchup, then.

Teyla: Hi. We don’t have guards.
Sheppard: Skrell! *starts pacing and mumbling to self*
Teyla: What’s with him?
Ford: You don’t have any guards to fight, and the major is obsessed with proving himself as an action hero. We think it’s a hormonal imbalance.
Sheppard: I’ve got it! I’ll endanger myself, and, as the only person who can fly the Jumper out of here, I’ll put my whole team within an inch of being trapped here forever!
Ford: He’s a lot like General O’Neill... only dumber.

Wraith Female: Your world would make a great combination feeding ground/petting zoo.
Sumner: You’d use Earth as a source of food?!
Wraith Female: Yes. Evil, isn’t it?
Sumner: Aha! So the food isn’t really a metaphor, is it!
Wraith Female: Well... it’s, uh... it’s a simile!
Sumner: Oh, yeah? Well, then where’s your use of ‘like’ or ‘as’?
Wraith Female: I can’t believe I’m having this conversation. Put him in... the Comfy Chair!
Sumner: Ooo, well that’s very comfortable and all, but AHHHHHHH!
Wraith Female: I do tend to forget to mention that its full title is the Comfy Chair of Mind-Sucking Death Touch, but what’s four words between friends?

Wraith Female: For… Cardassia... GAK!
Sheppard: Oh, no! Now we’ll never know how she meant to finish her sentence!
Ford: The Wraith have psychic abilities, right?
Sheppard: Yes…
Ford: Then why don't you just ask one of the FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVEN MILLION of them that YOU JUST WOKE UP!

Sheppard: Did you know you can shoot these darts down with small arms fire?
Ford: Thank you, sir. And, just to point out, this sentence brings my total to tie Travis Mayweather’s career line count.
Soldier: It’s still only the first episode.
Ford: And your point is...?

Sheppard: Okay, those ships could catch us in crossfire if we got too close to the Stargate. Looks like we’ll need to decloak, distract the Darts, and zoom away long enough to allow us to double back and jump through the Gate with minimum resistance.
Ford: Since all the Wraith ships are facing in one direction, wouldn’t it be easier to go around the other side of the Gate, dial it, let them fly around, and go through while they’re not looking?
Sheppard: Wait. Are you suggesting that space has 3-dimensions?

Aibo #2: Bark! Bark! Bark! GAK!
Wraith Dart: GAK!
Sheppard: It seems these dog-machines can be turned to our side of the Force. They could be a powerful asset to our cause.
Ford: They will join us or die, my master.

Station Commander’s Log: Well, we opened the Gate up for Lt. Ford and got strafed instead. Sadly, Colonel Sumner did not survive. We’re alone… on the other side of the universe… our most senior officer dead... But we did get Teyla instead of Neelix. So it’s not all bad.

Ford: Hey, dudes, it’s time to PARTAYYYY! Woot!
Weir: I see one universal constant is the presence of alcohol in local cuisine. Anyhow, Sheppard, you need a team. And you need a name.
Sheppard: Not to go with a specific theme or anything, but how about the “Bucks?” Or the “Cubs?” Or the “Niners?”
Weir: Actually, I was thinking of something that reflects your relative importance around here. Hence, “SG-17 and three quarters.” Or maybe, “The Clowns.” In any case, if you’ll excuse me, I need a drink.

(Dr. Weir opens the Ancient fridge and swoons at Ludicrous Speed)


Disclaimer: Atlantis (TM) is the intellectual property of Plato, Inc., (c) Several Hundred Years B.C.

...and that's it. Feedback welcomed. Any input for revisions is welcomed. And then I'll just edit it. Vadda-ving vadda-vang. Episode 2, "Thirty-Eight Minutes", will be published next "Sunday," at which time Paul McGillion will be executed purely for the authors' amusement. (Publishing date subject to forum ban/determination that these fivers cry out to God for reprisal against the author.)
Forum Lurker
CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.

Last edited by Wowbagger; 10-15-2007 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 10-15-2007, 02:56 AM
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Ooooooooh-boy. Talk about the can of worms you just opened, Wowwy (hope you don't mind the nickname). Oh, I suppose that before I start, I'd better give a shout-out to Z and Nan about what the heck I'm doing in this forum section: circumstances have changed. And Wowbagger needs to know the situation.

Wowbagger, if you were to talk to Zeke, he'd tell you that Five-Minute Stargate is the eminent domain of Nan and the zombie-like exosite of such name. Granted, it went into a coma years before Atlantis was even conceived of. Even so, I'd really suggest staying away from Stargate altogether until this situation is resolved. When it does, in one form or another, you will hear about it. Mainly because (hopefully) I'll be gushing up and down all of the walls of this forum about how much better my new fivers will be.

Oh, and I didn't just PM Wowwy because I didn't want anybody else fiving Stargate at all until the situation is resolved. Feel free to e-mail Zeke and Nan and ask for fiving rights, if you're feeling bold.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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Old 10-15-2007, 03:22 AM
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I've just completed a quick websearch for what parts of Five-Minute Stargate might still exist out there. The results:

1. The movie fiver is still here. Duh.
2. Aussie Mel (one of the original Stargate fivists from WAY back) keeps her stuff on her own page.
3. Someone I've never heard of did his own "unauthorized" version of Season Eight on his page. That's not an official fiver.

That's it. All of the official 5MSG sites (we've had about three) are now unaccessable. One of the Voyager Virtual Season sites used to hold a backup archive of the site (minus the last batch of about six fivers), but that's gone too. If you want to read my fivers you can e-mail for copies of them, but other than that, I suppose you'll have to ask Nan.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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Old 10-15-2007, 03:47 AM
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Wowbagger Wowbagger is offline
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Wait... what?

These are just fiver fan fics. Non-canon fivers. Fiver drafts, even. Not real fivers. Certainly not to be published. Not even publishable--I mean, look at the phloxing quality. (Hint: it's not very high.)

I just want to get these old and unapproved fivers off my hard drive after four years of sitting there and (hopefully) give you on the forums a couple of good laughs while I'm 're at it. I've also got a couple of random VG fivers and some partial Lost episodes. What I am not out to do is start any kind of a forum fight or bring back any nasty memories from the waning days of 5MSG. Nor is this a veiled attempt to try to get Zeke to publish these. No. Just read 'em and laugh if you care to. I want them out of my head forever. Sorry for any confusion or controversy I may (Vroomfondel: or may not!) have caused.

So... did you think this was at all funny? *bends over head, hopes for ear-scratching*

Oh, also... everyone calls me Wowwy these days. I started modding at Bridge Commander Files (BCS:TNG be mah peeps, yo), and my nickname was most definitely shortened by my peers. So have at it.
Forum Lurker
CURRENTLY: I've finally dived into the "let's everybody make a fan film" Kool-Aid.

Last edited by Wowbagger; 10-15-2007 at 03:49 AM.
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Old 10-15-2007, 05:02 AM
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Nate the Great Nate the Great is offline
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I'm not really going to judge the "worthiness" of these fivers. After all, they're better than my Ocarina of Time fiver and that's "real." I'm just saying that they're not "official."

If you want to disperse old fanfics, that's what e-mail and PMs are for.

Daniel Jackson: Cameo! I can’t go with you because I have that whole bit with the Replicators this season, but take a look at this eight-cypher Gate Key.

Those aren't cyphers, those are glyphs (those symbols engraved on the Gate) or chevrons (those giant V-shaped things that clamp and unclamp the glyphs).

Weir: Obnoxious yet adorable scientific team!
McKay and Beckett: Check.

McKay adorable? That's just disturbing.

Sheppard: Canadian lies! We all know that Milo saved Atlantis from the Russians. Power was never a problem.
(awkward silence)
Weir: ...Major, this isn’t the Disney movie.
Sheppard: Sure it isn’t. Look, there’s Milo now.
Zelenka: Why are you pointing at me?

Okay, this one's cute. I was neither the first nor the last to notice the simularities between Stargate: SG-1 and Atlantis: The Lost Empire in general nor Daniel and Milo in particular. That doesn't mean that it can't be a good joke.

Station Commander’s Log: Oh, right, the log recorder is out of power. I’m just talking to this wall.

I would've added "This may be a sign of insanity" followed by the wall saying "ya think?" but that's much too obvious of a joke.

Lots of People: GOK!
Sheppard: Gok? Sounds Klingon.
Wraith: It’s a stand-in for GAK! we came up with for when somebody doesn’t really die, but is as good as dead, because they’re never getting any more screen time.

Cute Klingon joke, but I'm still adamant that anything short of death is Ack!

Sumner: GUK!
Sheppard: What the...?
Wraith: Don’t ask us.

This one's good, though.

Disclaimer: Atlantis (TM) is the intellectual property of Plato, Inc., (c) Several Hundred Years B.C.

Har har har.
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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