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Old 11-24-2004, 06:22 PM
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Default November 23

Okay, let's get back on topic a bit. There's been a very exciting development in the world of Enterprise, and I'm pleased to be the one to give you the news. Ladies and gentlemen: we have met Robert Beltran, and he is Jolene Blalock.

Let me explain something, Jolene, with the disclaimer that I love your acting work. Without Berman and Braga, absolutely nobody would listen when you talk. You owe them your job and your fame. They created your character, they made her interesting, and they gave her the second biggest role on the show, which is why you've had the chance to show us your skills. And here you are calling them bad writers for "forgetting" T'Pol doesn't eat with her hands (which couldn't possibly have been a subtle indication that she was growing more human), and ignoring the overwhelming majority of interesting material they've written for T'Pol.

To borrow from You Are Dumb, it's ACTUAL QUOTE TIME!

Blalock on Berman: "You have this head guy who's some kind of ancient old croaker with no concept of the real world outside, with his fine wine and his, er, crumpets." Anyone who's read even one article on or interview with Berman knows what a joke this description is. To hear it from someone who WORKS for him is unbelievable.

Blalock on the Xindi arc: "T'Pol's hair doesn't move -- even in battle! And if it does, we re-shoot it." Uh huh. Jolene, have you ever watched TV? Ever? That's how it's done. "We don't bleed here, and nobody dies. Give me a break!" I suppose not watching TV includes not watching Season 3, where, you know, people bled and died.

Finally, like so very, very many bashers, Blalock praises Manny Coto for saving the show, destroying B&B, dying for our sins, whatever you please. Coto's work is based entirely on the foundation B&B established in the last three seasons, but of course that's irrelevant, as is the fact that his stories this season are continuing in the same line. Season 4 is about exactly the same thing Seasons 1 and 2 were about: revisiting Trek concepts from previous series with new twists. Coto isn't the Joker to B&B's Batman -- he's Robin. And the reason he's writing good stories this season is that he learned from the best.

Hooo boy, that came out longer than I thought. Sorry; I just can't stand ingratitude, and B&B-bashing is a particular hot button for me. It's dishonest and hypocritical almost every time, and it makes it difficult for me to read the comments of people whose work I otherwise enjoy. (Why yes, evay, I do know you read these updates.... )
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Old 11-24-2004, 07:20 PM
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I personally don't have a clue and don't care what she thinks, so long as she acts and doesn't whinge too much, so I am going to applaud very loudly and shout "hear hear", and "shame" alternately
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Old 11-24-2004, 07:37 PM
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Feel a bit better now that's off your cheast, Zeke?

Also, B&B SUCK!!!!11one111eleven
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Old 11-24-2004, 08:18 PM
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lol yeah that's why I made that poll over the summer when her interviews were coming out.

She annoys me sometimes. She should be happy she gets to kiss Connor!
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Old 11-24-2004, 09:31 PM
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yeah but... but... SHE'S HOT!
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Old 11-24-2004, 09:51 PM
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^^Sorry, sweetness, but I stand by my rants. B&B may well have come up with the premise, but they did not use it to half its advantage. The stories which are being written this year are the kinds of stories we SHOULD have seen in S2, at least, and I could have cheerfully skipped the entire Xindi arc.

Blalock is complaining that B&B reduced a Vulcan to T&A. I agree with that complaint. She's in a contract. She complained to the writers, she complained to the suits, and she was told to bite the bullet and do her job. She did. But that doesn't mean she likes or agrees with what they did to T'Pol. Connor Trinneer had a similar comment with the hemming and hawing of the "relationship": either do something concrete with it or dump it.

Beltran may or may not have gone to the writers, I forget, but he DID stop doing his job other than the minimum necessary. I don't think Blalock is a particularly good actress, but whatever the flaws with her performance, she ain't phonin' it in.

They created your character, they made her interesting,
Some fans think they made her a mess -- that she was systematically stripped of every quality which made her uniquely Vulcan, purely and specifically to increase the sex quotient. I don't find that interesting, I find it sad.

And here you are calling them bad writers for "forgetting" T'Pol doesn't eat with her hands (which couldn't possibly have been a subtle indication that she was growing more human),
While we saw no indication that this was deliberate, let's say you're right. WHY should T'Pol grow more human? She is a VULCAN. Tuvok didn't need to grow more human. Vorik didn't need to grow more human. Is it because -- gasp -- T'Pol has BOOBIES? or more precisely, that Blalock has boobies?

I have been against the sexualization and objectification of T'Pol since "Broken Bow," so "hypocritical" is one adjective you can't stick me with.

However, we're each entitled to our opinions. We can just agree to disagree.
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Old 11-24-2004, 09:53 PM
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As we used to say, you don't sh!% where you sleep.

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Old 11-24-2004, 10:02 PM
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*applauds* That was beautiful, Zeke! Absolutely marvelous!
What further instructions could there be besides, 'Kiss your ass goodbye'?
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Old 11-24-2004, 10:38 PM
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I'm with evay, at least mostly. While I don't entirely agree with Blalock's open criticism (the phrase "biting the hand that feeds you" comes to mind), dismissing all of her views in one fell swoop as being Bermaga bashing? To that, I say: Pot. Kettle. Black.

Originally Posted by Zeke
And here you are calling them bad writers for "forgetting" T'Pol doesn't eat with her hands (which couldn't possibly have been a subtle indication that she was growing more human)
Like evay, I'm not inclined to give the writers the benefit of the doubt. It does seem like something that could easily slip past their notice. Kudos if it was a subtle character moment, but I don't think that's necessarily a solid assumption. It would have been stupidly easy to make it a character thing if that had been their intent. Observe.

(1) Have someone offer her popcorn; she hesitates, but then accepts. The hesitation there is a subtle yet vital clue that she's making a concession to human custom.
(2) Have Trip bring her a peach, along with utensils so she can eat it. (Or, cut up and with a fork.) She declines the utensils and eats it with her hands. The fact that Trip remembers and she declines shows, again, that she is changing her customs.

And to do justice to Blalock, since we're playing ACTUAL QUOTE TIME...

Though she thinks Enterprise's concepts "are amazing", Blalock had words of criticism for the dialogue and found inconsistency in the development of Vulcan themes. "In 'Shadows of P'Jem', they made this huge story about how Vulcans were undermining Starfleet and had some kind of agenda, but they never went to readdress it," she noted. "Then there's this episode in which T'Pol gets sick, terminally ill, and they never readdress it. There's the characteristic where Vulcans don't eat food with their hands, and yet they'll write scenes where T'Pol is eating popcorn at a movie or Trip will bring T'Pol a peach. It's just so strange to me."
I don't think she's being unnecessarily nasty here; she's expressing a valid point of view that I'm sure a lot of fans share. I also appreciate that, being a TOS fan, she doesn't agree with what they've done to the Vulcans on Enterprise... again, a viewpoint that many, many fans can appreciate. From the sounds of it, she tried to object to some of the hand-eating scenes and was shot down without justifying why... that may not be the case, but if it is I'm more inclined to attribute it to lazy writers than not.

Originally Posted by Zeke
"We don't bleed here, and nobody dies. Give me a break!" I suppose not watching TV includes not watching Season 3, where, you know, people bled and died.
Again, I've got to side with Blalock on this one, because that's a complaint I've had while watching Season 3. I know they did kill off some redshirts (almost always offscreen), and some characters we had gotten to know (like the MACO whose name escapes me), but I never got the sense as I always did from Voyager that they had suffered casualties and it was weighing on the crew -- maybe Kate Mulgrew was just better at conveying it than Scott Bakula, or maybe it was because most of the casualties were heard and not seen. Enterprise did a good job in a few select instances (such as when the female engineer under Trip's command bit the dust and he had to deal with it) but I never got the general sense of danger and loss. When they returned to Earth (for real, ignoring the ill-conceived Nazi-Temporal-Cold-War-Reset-Button season opener) and Archer began talking about the crew they'd lost, my reaction was "Huh?".

Blalock definitely has a point about overuse of T&A (see: Trip and T'Pol sleeping together out of the blue; "Shadows of P'Jem"; every decon scene ever made). It's not always the case, particularly this season, but we've all had that thought at one time or another. Again, this is something that appears to be on the mend (see: fantastic episodes like "Home", "Twilight", "E2") but her complaint at being used mostly for sex appeal is a genuine one.

...Which brings me to one of the most valid criticisms that Blalock could have put forward, yet doesn't appear to have done so: what possible excuse can the writers still fathom (other than at the whim of UPN execs on crack who think that catsuit=ratings) for NOT GIVING T'POL A UNIFORM? It was stupid before but she wasn't really part of the crew, so I could let it slide. But now, she has a commission. She's accepted the crew and her role on Enterprise. She's resigned from the Vulcan High Council. So why the @*$&# is she still in that catsuit? It drives me insane because it's such a stupidly obvious ploy for ratings, not to mention interferes with the T'Pol-is-becoming-more-human vibe they're trying to send out. Hopefully they'll eventually figure out that she looks better in uniform (see: "Twilight"; Seven of Nine; Deanna Troi) and that it would be more in character for her as a full-fledged member of the crew.
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Old 11-24-2004, 11:52 PM
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okkkkkkk I respectfully disagree with a few points made. I think it's all a matter of perspective. For instance, a scene where I may see T'Pol confessing her undying love to Trip, someone may see T'Pol kissing Trip on the cheek in front of her fiance and mother and the Vulcan High Priest.

So here's my perspective:

T'Pol ate the peach with her hands, yes. But come on, Trip is very distracting. LOL ok that was just a bit of humor to lighten the mood. Seriously, she ate the peach with her hands, but she's been living among humans awhile and it could be a testament to that. Vulcans don't like to be touched, however, I seem to recall many moments when Tuvok allowed crewmembers to touch him. Tuvok didn't have to become more human, but he did have a few episodes where he lost control of his emotions or where his Vulcan guard was down. The scene where Tuvok says goodbye to Neelix. How very uncharacteristic of Tuvok to move his foot as a gesture of friendship for Neelix. We the viewers knew that it was Tuvok's way of dancing. Neelix said he would get Tuvok to dance before they made it home (or whatever) and Tuvok gave Neelix that as a goodbye gift. Now was it necessary for Tuvok to do this? No. But it was a very sweet moment and an unguarded moment for Tuvok. The episode Gravity is another sentiment to moments where Tuvok had a very Un-Vulcan like moment. Is this bad writing on the parts of the writers or B & B? I don't think so.

My point is that T'Pol isn't the first Vulcan we've seen influenced by humanity. Being in such close contact with Trip also had something to do with this I believe. Yeah maybe the neuro pressure was just an excuse to get the two naked, but it worked. And it was fun to watch. I for one loved Similitude and Harbinger. I don't feel like their intimacy came out of nowhere. These two have been dancing around their feelings since Broken Bow. Unresolved Sexual Tension is what I like to call it. So they got it out of their systems and I know Trip thought that meant they were now a couple, but it scared T'Pol off. She was allowing her emotions to take control.

I think JB and CT's main concern with Trip and T'Pol's relationship is because she sees it as coming out of the blue. She doesn't see what a Vulcan would see in Trip. But as a viewer, and T/T shipper, I think it's obvious. But this isn't about that so I won't make it about that.

I think B & B did a good job. Ok Season 2 sucked in my opinion, but hey so did Season 2 of Voyager (ouch.) Ok Voyager 2nd Season didn't suck, but it wasn't the best. I loved Season 3, Xindi arc and all. It's what made me a fan again. I felt the loss and I knew that the Expanse was taking it's toll on the crew. The continuity was great. The ship wasn't fixed overnight and I loved the neat little touches that were done. Anyways, this is only my opinion and I like giving my perspective.

I forgot to add: About her uniform. I agree mainly because I was a big advocate for Seven to have a uniform and for Troi to have one. However, perhaps a reason that T'Pol doesn't have one is because she has an honorary commission.

I totally agree though, that she shouldn't bite the hand of the one who feeds her! Plus, B & B created Enterprise and got her the job. A little gratitude would be nice. And I really want a fifth season! That's all from me!
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Old 11-25-2004, 01:07 AM
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I don't talk much about it, but I am personally of the opinion that T/T makes sense. I didn't say I supported it. (Crossovers will rise again) but it makes sense. There has been lots of 'tension' since season one, and I don't thing 'Harbringer' was unexpected. Painful, maybe, but not unexpected.

Okay, that pun was lame. The point is, they're not really doing anything bad for the series, but they haven't done as much good for it as they could have. We've seen quality episodes out of them, and we would have liked to see more. We didn't, but we got some. And that's good enough for me.
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Old 11-25-2004, 04:46 AM
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Zeke, you have the right idea. She has no business trashing the people that put her where she is in public. She has a right to feel this way, of course, which is merely ungrateful and a bit woodenheaded, but public comments like this show she has no grace, no style, no class.

Even though I disagree with some of the things Berman and Braga have done, the fact is that they have not only kept alive but expanded and enriched the Star Trek universe, and for that I am grateful even if Jolene is not.

The comparison with Beltran doesn't quite fit though--as you point out, they've done something with Blalok's character! Beltran was wrong to complain, but at least he had a point. (Though, as you also point out, Blalok can act...)

I'm assuming that Bakula has said nothing in relation to this. Probably a good idea.
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Old 11-25-2004, 02:03 PM
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Concerning Beltran's character, I thought they did something with it. Heh. But maybe that had their reasons not too. (coughWooDCough)

And of course C/7 developed out of nowhere so hey, maybe out of Blalock's comments she can be paired with a sexy on screen character... oh wait.. she has!

OH and regarding C/7, I'm by no means a fan, but having watched the DVD's and watching all the episodes in order again, I'm seeing where they might have gotten the concept. Just a thought that has nothing to do with this topic.

Carry on.
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Old 11-25-2004, 04:15 PM
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Somewhat at a tanget, but - does anyone know of a good BitTorrent site that I can get Enterprise episodes from? Now that I've upgraded my OS BitTorrent actually works again, and I can start catching up at last. TVTorrents has every episode, but there are only actually seeds for season four, so any suggestions would be appreciated.
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Old 11-25-2004, 05:10 PM
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Try, the be-all and end-all of Torrent sources, movies and TV alike. I got "The Forge" downloaded in under an hour, IIRC, and this week's episode of Scrubs in under 45 minutes. Looks like they've got earlier seasons in bundles, as well as smatterings of individual pre-season 4 episodes.

Um, I mean, downloading is illegal and I have no knowledge of such activities. Yeah.
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Old 11-25-2004, 05:40 PM
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lol yep that's what site I go to, too! But I downloaded Borderland ONLY because I forgot to set my timer and I didn't get home in time to watch the show.

make sure you go to and not .com or supernova because that's a scam. They want you to pay for the downloads.
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Old 11-25-2004, 06:11 PM
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Thanks muchly. There was an ENT specific site that I used to watch the S2 episodes that I missed the first time round, but that seems to be no longer around.

And besides, it's not like I'm keeing them. I just don't have the room.

EDIT: Hmm. Doesn't look like I'll have the room to download 'em in the first place. Bugger.
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Old 11-25-2004, 08:01 PM
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In case I didn't say this in clear enough terms before (yes, I *AM* being completely egocentric....) I COULD NOT CARE LESS WHAT SOME ACTRESS THINKS! SHE IS PAID TO DO THE JOB NOT COMPLAIN! How many times on Doctor Who (a far lower budgeted programme) do you think anyone apart from the actor playing the doctor got away with whinging about the part? If they whinged, they got dumped on the next planet at then end of the next story. Or worse. Basically, I think that Star Trek has had it a little too easy for a little too long. sry - thats the end of my mildly anti-star trek rant.
Also, is it just me, or is Star Wars a rip-off of Flash Gordon?
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Old 11-25-2004, 11:26 PM
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Yes, it is just you, 'cos it's a ripoff of The Hidden Fortress by Kurosawa. :P

Oh. And Yojimbo.
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Old 11-26-2004, 08:55 AM
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I meant about the 1930s film series of city...opening text....bemulleted blonde hero.....evil emperor....etc etc ad nauseam
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