5MNG: Season 7 | ||
Latest addition: Five-Minute "Descent II" (June 29, 2005) | ||
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Zeke | When Data comes to resent his descent, Lore dissents. Represent! |
Liaisons | Wade the Sane Commodore | But are they dangerous? |
Interface | Wade the Sane Commodore | Geordi regrets not updating the firewall on his VISOR. |
Phantasms | Nic Corelli | Data dreams a little dream of mess. Troi achieves the chocolate cake eater's nirvana. |
Gambit I | Derek Dean | |
Gambit II | Derek Dean | |
Attached | Marc Richard | Picard and Crusher mind each other's business and make their 'shippers very happy. |
Force of Nature | Marc Richard | Starfleet forbids ships to travel faster than Warp 5. Picard blames it on Enterprise nostalgia. |
Inheritance | Wade the Sane Commodore | Data finds out he gets his musical talent, if not his looks, from his mother's robot's side. |
Parallels | Kira | Worf takes a wrong turn on the inter-dimensional super-highway. |
The Pegasus | Marc Richard | Picard and Riker discover a terrifying new cloaking device: one capable of transforming a ship into an invisible winged horse. This doesn't bother the Romulans, who don't believe in silly myths. |
Sub Rosa | Kristina Runyeon-Odeberg | Beverly Crusher defeats the Phantom Menace by breaking the Howard women's centuries-old tradition of retaining their maiden names after marriage. |
Lower Decks | IJD GAF | Attempting to coast on the Muppets' success, Picard tries out a new series -- "TNG Babies." |
Thine Own Self | MmeBlueberry | Or is that Frankenstein Own Self? |
Masks | saxamaphone | The Enterprise gets spammed by the Aztecs. |
Eye of the Beholder | Kira | Troi jumps 'ship, jumps the gun, and almost jumps to her doom. Good thing she's wearing a jumpsuit. |
Genesis | Marc Richard | In the beginning Crusher created the hypospray and the T-cell. And the T-cell was without form, and viral; and darkness was upon the face of the starship... and Picard said "Let there be antidote": and there was antidote. |
Firstborn | Derek Dean | When young Alexander has to choose between the Way of Kahless and the Way of Barbie, his future self suggests the Way of G.I. Joe as a compromise. |
Emergence | Nic Corelli and Sa'ar Chasm | When the Enterprise starts developing a mind of its own, the cargo bay becomes a very emergency room. |
All Good Things... | Zeke | ...Come to an end. And a beginning. And an in-between. All at once. This is why Q shouldn't be allowed to play with time travel. |
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