Five-Minute Stargate

Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "Demons"

by Nan

[SG-1 exits the Gate on Medieval Christianity World.]
O'Neill: So... many... trees... Arrrrrgh!
Teal'c: At least we're breathin'.
Carter: About twenty minutes from now you'll be sucking pond water.
Teal'c: Indeed.
Daniel: Hey! I didn't read the script that far ahead yet!
Carter: Meh.

O'Neill: There's a village about 11 kilometers thataway.
Daniel: Anyone else notice that this path is awfully well worn?
O'Neill: I'm still peeved about the trees.

[They see a church.]
O'Neill: A church.
Carter: Whoa, "First Commandment" flashback...
O'Neill: No megalomaniacal ex-boyfriends here.
Daniel: Yeah, otherwise this one would be filed under "Ex."
Carter: Bad... puns... Arrrrrgh!

O'Neill: So, who do ya think the Goa'uld is posing as?
Daniel: There are all of two options.
O'Neill: Meh.
Teal'c: I read the (Christian) bible, y'know.
O'Neill: Yeah?
Teal'c: Just to pick out the bits they use on The X-Files.

[They enter the village. Everyone flees in terror.]
O'Neill: Okay, possible suspension of the "No Megalomaniacs" verdict...

[They find some writing.]
Daniel: Ooh, writing!
O'Neill: What does it say?
Daniel: "Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?" Hey, waitaminnit...
O'Neill: What?
Daniel: "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood"?

[They find Mary manacled to the manacle-thingie in the center of the village.]
O'Neill: 'Kay, that sucks. Teal'c, break her out.
Teal'c: 'Kay.
[Teal'c shoots the manacles off with nary a scratch to Mary.]
Teal'c: Back in the Jaffa legions my nickname was Teal'c the Staff Weapon God.
O'Neill: No, it wasn't!
Teal'c: Meh.

[Simon brandishes a crucifix at SG-1.]
Simon: 'Kay, leave Mary alone, you creepy demon people!
O'Neill: It's Hanno!
Simon: Um, that was Season 1.

O'Neill: Uh, we're not demons.
Carter: I'm also not a witch. Just FYI.
Simon: 'Kay, come into my house then, strange people.

[O'Neill determines that Mary has chicken pox, not acute demonic possession.]
Simon: Um, the Elders are gonna drill a hole in her head, so she's kinda doomed either way.
Daniel: "Trepan," Simon, "trepan." We have to build tension here!
Simon: Meh.

[The town freaks out as the Unas enters town looking for hosts/sacrifices.]
Zippy the Unas: Well, c'mon! I came all this way!

Teal'c: 'Kay, that's an Unas.
O'Neill: Unas bit it in season uno.
Teal'c: There's more than one, genius. And that pun was just bad.
O'Neill: Meh.

Zippy the Unas: Well, heck with this. I've got a pension to make, here! Five host--uh, souls!--by sundown or serious mayhem. I serve Satan, y'know.

O'Neill: 'Kay, that's Sokar.

[Simon freaks out.]
Simon: 'Kay, I'm freakin' out! Scary demon! Bad demon! Evil demon!
O'Neill: Not a demon.
Daniel: Very like a demon...
O'Neill: Granted it's very like a demon, but it's not actually a demon.
Daniel: Works for Sokar...
O'Neill: And, granted it works a guy to likes to dress up as the Devil, but is not the Devil.
Daniel: May as well be a demon...
O'Neill: You're not helping!

Simon: Whoa, you guys aren't afraid of the de--it?
SG-1: Nope.
Simon: Cool! Maybe you're a case of Groovy Divine Intervention!

Carter: We could kill it.
Daniel: Um, issue of retribution from Mr. Devil Worship.
Carter: They could bury the gate.
Daniel: Uh, anyone remember Juna?
Carter: That hasn't happened yet. Sorta. Anyway, the nearest Goa'uld stronghold should be lightyears away.
Simon: Hey, look, it's the Canon and his Canonian Posse! He'll single out the five neccesary sacrifices.
O'Neill: Anyone else see where this is going?

[The Canon chews Simon out.]
Canon: Simon, you suck!
Simon: But they're nice!
Canon: They came through the gate! You're stupid, they're evil, you suck!

[The Canon singles out Teal'c by the Jaffa thing on his forehead.]
Canon: Him evil.
Teal'c: Figures.

O'Neill: Teal'c is not a demon! Daniel, shut up.
Daniel: I didn't say anything!
O'Neill: Meh. Anyway, you can frag the Unas! No Satanic involvement here!
Canon: Meh. You came through the Circle of Darkness. Thus, you evil.
O'Neill: Heavy thinkin' involved to get that verdict, hunh, spud?

[In prison...]
O'Neill: Ow. Ow ow ow. Ow.
Carter: Ow.
O'Neill: Remind me not to be nice in the future. Involve painful physical contact in aforementioned reminder.
Carter: 'Kay.

Simon: Um, Teal'c is screwed.
O'Neill: Duh, dude.

[After the hot-wad-o'-metal-on-the-mark-of-the-Devil test, Teal'c is sent for a forcible swim.]
Daniel: Teal'c is...
Carter: ...screwed.
O'Neill: This sucks pond water.

[Sufficiently dead, Teal'c is shrouded and anointed.]
Carter + Daniel: Sniff.
Canon: Uh, you can go. His soul is clean.
O'Neill: Uh, duh!

Simon: They're gonna make me drill a hole in Mary's head. I need your help here...
O'Neill: No friggin' way.
Daniel: Jack, you suck. I'm gonna go save people. You can stay here, because you suck!

[Daniel and Jack interrupt the trepanning ritual with comic-book timing.]
Daniel: You can come with us. Jack has a home entertainment system that'll blow you away.
O'Neill: Literally.

[Teal'c rises from the dead.]
Carter: Yay! It's Teal'c!
SG-1: Yay!
Simon: Freakin' out... freakin' out...
Carter: No, Simon, it's all thanks to Junior the Infant Goa'uld.
Teal'c: Yep.
O'Neill: Woo-hoo! Toga party when we get back!
Canon: 'Kay, I've changed my mind. You evil. Stake them to the thingie in the center of town!

O'Neill: Well, crap.
Teal'c: Indeed.
Carter: This sucks.
Daniel: Yeah-hunh.
Mary: We're screwed.
Everyone: Yep.

O'Neill: Carter, remember the prison scene from earlier?
Carter: Yep.
O'Neill: Same thing here, but direct the painful blow at Daniel.
Carter: 'Kay, sir, but at this rate, I'll have to line people up. Won't enjoy it in the least, either.
O'Neill: I'd be more inclined to believe you if you didn't have that disconcerting gleam in your eye.
Carter: Blame Jolinar?

[Zippy the Unas comes back.]
O'Neill: You suck!
[Zippy grabs O'Neill by the neck and tosses him around.]
Carter: May wanna stop antagonizing the really big reptiles, Sir.

[Zippy drags them off as Simon watches from the sidelines.]

O'Neill: Roll-O Maneuver on three. Three!
[Everyone rolls and Zippy loses his grip. They run.]

[Zippy grabs them again.]

Zippy: Yoink!
O'Neill: Crap.

Simon: Yoo-hoo! I have a staff weapon and some serious issues with you, man!

[Zippy stakes SG-1 and Mary to a tree.]
Zippy: Stay!

[Simon shoots Zippy a few times. Zippy keeps coming.]
Simon: Oh, heck.
[Zippy whacks him.]
Simon: Oof. Bail!

O'Neill: Annie, get your gun.
Mary: Uh, I'm Mary. And it's a staff weapon. And it's Teal'c's.
O'Neill: Just get the staff.

[Teal'c blasts them free.]
O'Neill: Carter, take the civilians and get back to the gate. Me and Teal'c will go off the Unas and save the day.
Carter: Should I kick you now or later?

[The Canon finds Simon.]
Canon: Simon, you suck!
Simon: Nyer!
Unas: Boo.
Simon: Heck.
Canon: Yaaaaah!

[O'Neill and Teal'c arrive and find the dead Unas, the prostrate Simon, and the freakin' out Canon.]
Canon: Wow. Simon cool. Unas dead. I love big symbiote.
[Simon wakes up.]
Simon: Auntie Em! Auntie Em!

O'Neill: So, you have to bury the gate.
Canon: Yep.
O'Neill: And gimme the ring.
Canon: Yep.
Carter: You're the Goa'uld!
Canon: Yep.

Canon: I thirst for mayhem!
O'Neill's Gun: Bam!
Canon: I... suck... gurgle...
Simon: Sniff.

Simon: We'll bury the gate and reform.
O'Neill: No Prime Directive here.
SG-1: Here here!
O'Neill: That was lame.


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