Five-Minute Stargate

Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "Entity"

by Hejira

MALP: Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy, I'm going on a mission, I'm going on a mission!
Chevron Guy: Uh, you're a MALP, not a FIDO.
MALP: Damn. Hum, hum, hum. I'm flying, I'm flying, whee!

Entity: Oi, MALP-y. Let me go through the gate.
MALP: Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin!
Entity: What hair on what chinny-chin-chin?
MALP: Point.

Entity: Okay guys, how about I make the computer's go fizzy, okay?
Chevron Guy: What am I supposed to do?
Entity: Burn, baby, burn!
Chevron Guy: Ah, to break away from the tedium.
Entity: I nearly killed you!
Chevron Guy: So?
Sam: Ouch! My hand!
Entity: Bonus!

Janet: How's your hand?
Sam: Fine.
Janet: Burnt.
Sam: Fine.
Janet: Burnt.
Jack: Beautiful, but burnt.
Sam: You win. I'll stay away from the computers for a while.
Janet: Good. Is that a Tamagotchi?
Sam: I need some kind of fix...

Chevron Guy: I'm only speaking again so I have more lines than the MALP.
Sam: Thank you. Now that my hand's bandaged...
Janet: Here's your Game Boy - it should last you until you get to a computer.
Sam: Thanks.

Entity: I admit, it's really stupid of me to display anything on the monitor, but the ominous music would just sound stupid without the display.

Sam: Don't mind me, I'm just talking in technobabble.
Daniel: Why?
Sam: Because that's my job. Hello, looks like something accessed our database.
Entity: If you guys looked at the cameras, you'd see that I'm still here. *sigh* All for the sake of plot, I know.

Janet: Look - brain waves!
Jack: Why are you looking at that?
Janet: I got bored the first time Sam said, 'technological.'
Jack: Uh, she actually said, "technologically."
Janet: That's my point.

Entity: Hello, everybody. I know you.
Jack: Hiya.
Entity: And you.
Sam: Hiya.
Entity: And you.
Daniel: Yo.
George: Yikes.

Jack: How sweet, the entity likes me.
Entity: He said it, not me.
Sam: We're going to have to hit the delete button on it.
Jack: What - because it likes me?
Sam: No - because it deleted my Tetris game.

Entity: Look - I'm building myself a little homestead.
MALP: What do you mean, 'you'?
Entity: Sorry. Like the mood lighting?

Sam: It's gone.
George: Yippie!
Sam: Then again...what's happening in this random room with the MALPs in it?
George: Take a look then.

Jack: Woah, the door's warm.

Jack: Woah, the door's got a big hole in it!
Sam: Uh sir, doesn't the entity's homestead concern you?
Jack: But there's a hole! In the door! Anyone can walk through it!
Sam: Isn't that the point?
Jack: Oh yeah...never mind, then.

Daniel: So the entity's alive then?
Jack: I want to blow it.
Teal'c: Would it have a subroutine to appreciate such an action?
Sam: I like the mood lighting.
Entity: Can I tell you how I did it? Maybe you could do something like it in your house.
Sam: Okay - How bright are your lights?
Entity: What sort of decor have you got in your house?
Sam: I'm on a budgetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...
Jack: Oh, that entity is so dead.
Sam: ...ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...

Janet: Her heart's stopped beating - wait, it's started - nope, there it goes again - it's back - it's gone - it's back - it's gone - it's back.
Jack: And?
Janet: Looks like it'll stay beating.
Entity: Hey, you than thank me later.
Jack: Ulp!

Janet: Sam's body is under the control of an alien. Again. Colonel O'Neill's concerned. Again. The 'shipper's are spasming. Again and again and again and again.

Jack: Yo, we've got an awake person here.
Entity: Yo.
Jack: Okay, cut that out. Janet, get the Entity out of Carter.
Janet: I've tried. I've given it twelve eviction notices, but it replied, and I quote, "Bite me."

Jack: I was right, you were wrong.
Daniel: I know. Sam wasn't wrong, though.
Teal'c: Did she not do what you wanted to do, Daniel Jackson?
Daniel: Yeah, but Jack doesn't lo -
Jack: I'm suffering major angst here; you don't have to rub it in.
Daniel: We'll talk later.

Entity: I got into Sam before you could. Neeners.
Jack: Could you tell me what she's doing right now, pretty please?
Entity: Playing Tetris in her head.
Jack: Damn, she's smart.
Entity: Not really. She just made a gap.
Jack: Okay, putting everyone's lives in danger is one thing, but saying Carter's not smart is going too far! Get out of her! Now!
Entity: Nope. And you can't make me.

Daniel: Let's send it home.
George: Sounds good to me.

Daniel: Want to go home?
Entity: No, I'd rather cause death and destruction to your entire planet. Want to let me keep Sam's body?
Jack: No, I'd rather cause death and destruction to your entire planet.
George: Okay, I confess, Jack runs the whole base.
Entity: Oh crap, I'm so running away.

Entity: Like the fireworks?
Jack: Not really. Like a shot from a zat?
Entity: Well, I'm still standing. You'll have to shoot me again.
Jack: Okay, have it your way. Bastard.

Janet: How are you, Colonel?
Jack: Not happy Jan!
Janet: Okay. By the way, Sam's made a living will.
Jack: I know. "Keep my body alive for as long as the plot needs it." Everyone's got that line.

Jack: Daniel, why is there a game of Tetris playing on the monitor?
Daniel: More importantly, why is there a gap in it?
Jack: Oh dear...Janet, get over here with Sam's body, right now.

Janet: Attach a bit of this to a bit of that and flip the switch...
Sam: ...ttttttttt...woah.
Jack: What was it like being in the computer?
Sam: Nirvana.
Teal'c: Indeed.

Daniel: Oi, why didn't we get many lines?
Teal'c: Beats me.
George: I don't know either.
Chevron Guy: Now you know how I feel, would you like to have a tea party with me?
George: See, there's a reason you don't get many lines.


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