Five-Minute Stargate

Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "The Fifth Race"

by Nan

Note: this one was very visual, so I had a lot of exposition to put in. And they all talk like teenagers. I have no idea; it just happened. :)

[After viewing the MALP footage, Daniel gushes.]
Daniel: Hey! Let's go check this place out!
O'Neill: Why?
Daniel: Because.
Teal'c: Yeah.
O'Neill: 'Kay.

[Upon finding an empty room.]
O'Neill: This sucks.

[Daniel tries to make contact.]
Daniel: Helloooo? We come in peace! Ignore the barbaric weapons!
O'Neill: Let's blow. I've gotta do laundry.
Daniel: But--
O'Neill: Zip it!

[O'Neill walks over a tile and a device appears on the wall.]
O'Neill: Hmmm... a strange aperture. Teal'c! Go stick your head in it.
Teal'c: 'Kay.

Teal'c: I don't see anything but flashy things.
O'Neill: Lemme see!
Daniel: Doesn't any of this concern you?
Carter: If I was paying attention it would.
[The device grabs O'Neill's head, then drops him. He passes out.]

Hammond: So... what the heck happened?
Daniel: Jack stuck his head in the thing.
Teal'c: I also stuck my head in the thing.
Hammond: And...?
O'Neill: He saw... lights... bright... flashy... lights...
[Everyone stares.]
O'Neill: Quit looking at me like that.
Hammond: Um, why did it go wiggy on you and not Teal'c?
Carter: The snake, you think?
O'Neill: I don't care, we're here, home, can we go?
Carter: Dude, you're freaking right out.
O'Neill: Not freaking out! Nothing wrong with me!
Daniel: You're supposed to say "cruvus".
O'Neill: Why?
Daniel: Because it forwards the plot. Duh.
O'Neill: Right. There is nothing cruvus with me!
[Everyone stares.]
O'Neill: Quit it!

[O'Neill tries to teach Teal'c to box.]
O'Neill: Put on the gloves so you don't brain me.
Teal'c: Nuts.
O'Neill: Okay, now you move around. Dance. Keep your--
Teal'c: You're supposed to say--
O'Neill: --cozars bent. Cozars!
Teal'c: You said cozars. Heh.

[Daniel's office.]
O'Neill: I'm freaking out!
Daniel: You didn't say--
O'Neill: I've lost the falatis to speak properly!
Daniel: Dude, you're freakin' out.
O'Neill: I'm also reading a Latinate language! It's all in my fran! Arrrgh!

[O'Neill has filled up a chalkboard with the Latinate language.]
Carter: Dude... he's freaking out.
Daniel: Massively.
Fraiser: Duh. He's using too much brain.
Carter: You mean he's using ten percent?!
Fraiser: Um, more than that.
Carter: Um... right.

Carter: Uh, sir? Whatcha doin'?
O'Neill: I need this green tubie thing.
Carter: Why?
O'Neill: Not a clue. It's like, why should I buy CDs when I can just get MP3s for free?
Carter: Ah...

Hammond: So?
Carter: He's freaking out.
Fraiser: He's thinking too much.
Daniel: I think the thing he stuck his head into installed a new language in his brain.
Hammond: Harsh.
Daniel: Yeah.

[Hammond walks in on O'Neill fiddling with the gate computer.]
Hammond: What're you doing?
O'Neill: Not a clue. It's like, Why learn that X times X3; equals X4 when I'll never use it?
Hammond: Um, knock it off.
O'Neill: Can't. Not a clue why. It's like--
Hammond: Teal'c, for god's sake, move him!
Teal'c: Moving, sir.

Carter: Hey look! New Stargate coordinates!
Daniel: Okay, maybe they stuck the Ancient Library of Congress into his head.
Everyone Else: Feh.

Carter: I know you can't speak english anymore, but what do the scribblies on the chalkboard mean?
O'Neill: [Most of it says "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."]
Carter: Sir, I need you to communicate with me here...
O'Neill: [The second bit says "Daniel is a geek, Goa'uld suck, and Carter's a babe."]
Carter: Do you understand what I'm saying?

[O'Neill writes "10=8".]
Carter: "Ten equals eight." Does that mean that all of their larger numerical units are based on eights?
O'Neill: [I was trying to write "shut up and kiss me".]
Carter: Eureka! I'm going to go crunch numbers!
O'Neill: Arrgh!

Hammond: Field trip: we'll send SG-1 to one of the planet that O'Neill entered into the computer.
Daniel: I'm gonna stay here so I can translate for Jack, even though I don't understand what he's saying exactly.
Everyone: Groovy.

[SG-1 goes and gets stuck on a desert planet that has two suns.]
Carter: Sir, we're screwed!
Hammond: Daniel?
Daniel: Not a clue. Siler?
Siler: Don't talk to me! I'm a redshirt!

[Jack frantically draws the schematics for the DHD.]
Daniel: Jack, do you have any brilliant ideas on how to save Carter, Teal'c, and the redshirt?
O'Neill: [Yes.]
Fraiser: "Shut up and go away"?
O'Neill: [Yes!]

[SG-1 fixes the DHD and returns home.]
Teal'c: We didn't find anything. We suck.
Carter: Yeah.
Daniel: Jack's built some kind of doohicky. What is it?
Carter: I dunno.

[The gate starts dialing on its own.]
Carter: As Neo so eloquently put it in "The Matrix".... "whoa!" Eight chevrons. Cool.

Hammond: O'Neill? What the heck are you doing?
O'Neill: [What are you saying?]
Daniel: He can't understand us. Like punk kids and their parents.
O'Neill: [Eh?]
Hammond: O'Neill, you know we can't give you an iris code. You'll be stuck on whatever planet you go to.
O'Neill: [Henh? I'm going through the gate, so...]

Carter: He went out of the galaxy! And the doohicky isn't working anymore, so we can't follow. This sucks.

[O'Neill ends up on the Asgard homeworld, Othalla. One of the Asgard zaps him with something, removing the Ancient's Library of Congress from his head.]
Asgard1: Hey.
O'Neill: Hey. Wow, you guys are short. And grey. And naked.
Asgard2: Meh. We're way above you. What's up?
O'Neill: Nothin' much.
Asgard2: You're more advanced than we thought.
Asgard1: Cool. A little background: we are one of the member species of a great alliance of four: us, the Nox, the Furlings, and the Ancients.
O'Neill: Cool.
Asgard2: You show promise, so you might be the "Fifth Race". Hence the title of the episode. You can go home.
O'Neill: Cool.

[O'Neill returns home.]
O'Neill: I'm home! I can speak English!
Daniel: What happened?
O'Neill: No clue. But I think everything's peachy.
Everyone: Cool.


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