Five-Minute Stargate

Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "The First Commandment"

by The One The Asgard Call O'Pipp

EVIL ALIENS: Ooooga booga!
SG SOMETHING OR OTHER: Argh! No! Evil Aliens!
EVIL ALIENS: Hey, that's a misrepresentation.

SG SOMETHING MEMBER: Right, here's the plan, you distract them by dying in agonising pain whilst I make it to safety.

SG SOMETHING MEMBER #1: Wait, instead of going home I think Ill just stay here and conveniently set up a plot.
O'PIPP: Hey, why didnt you just go home and tell SG-1?
SG SOMETHING MEMBER #1: Mmm...well... just get SG-1 already.

CARTER: Well, I think its about time we learned the fate of some of my ex-boyfriends.
CARTER: Because its the first season and we haven't met Narim yet.
DANIEL: Hey, look, trees.. hope they're not hiding anything, y'know,
EVIL ALIENS: We just want to be loved!

SG SOMETHING MEMBER: Hey, Jonas is a bad, bad man.
DANIEL: Look, its season one, and I'm not even dead yet!
SG SOMETHING MEMBER: No, I mean the less evil Jonas, y'know
cough-cough-ahem Jonas.
CARTER: Ah, that Jonas.

CARTER: Hey, time to reveal the fact that I was engaged.
O'NEILL: Look, I thought we'd discussed this.
CARTER: I was referring to this universe.
ALT-O'NEILL: So the wedding's off then?
O'PIPP: Oh, just insert your own joke here.

DANIEL: I love the smell of burning alien in the morning.
TEAL'C: Smells like...
CARTER: Injustice brewing! I'm off to get captured now. Later.
DANIEL: Fine, Teal'c and I will do the male bonding thing then!
TEAL'C: I think they cut that scene.
DANIEL: They did?

O'NEILL: My shipper sense is tingling!
O'NEILL: Holy mother of Chewbacca! You didn't let Carter get captured did you?
DANIEL: Er, I believe it's "Sam."
O'NEILL: What did your last love interest die of?
DANIEL: She's not dead, just semi-dead and being used as a host, ok?

JONAS: I knew it! I knew it! I'm back! Jonas Quinn is back! And here to
CARTER: What have you done with the real Jonas? The slightly-less-irritating-one I mean!
THE REAL JONAS: Yeah, you're so gonna suffer now.

CARTER: Hey, there's, like, a flaw in your plan...
JONAS: What, there's a convenient loophole that states everyone who even vaguely has a crush on Carter must die?
CARTER: Foreboding.
JONAS: Yeah, well, um, just turn the sky orange already.

ABUBU THE NATIVE: Hey, look. Water. Wow. This certainly has been an interesting day..
ABUBU: Will you be my friend?
O'NEILL: What? We don't get Jonas until season 6, do we?
ABUBU: Jonas. We love Jonas. I haven't been brainwashed or anything.
O'NEILL: Whatever, wanna become an insurgent, betray your people, wife,
children, friends and your god?
ABUBU: Um. I dunno...
TEAL'C: Hey, why didn't I say that?

ABUBU: We love Jonas, cause he's going to turn the sky orange.
ABUBU: Cause... it'll be pretty?
ABUBU: Um...
ABUBU: Cause we couldn't afford pink, ok?
TEAL'C: Meh, give me some paintbrushes, a little splash of yellow ochre and orange, I could do that.

O'NEILL: Pssst.
BURNING GUY: Hey, you're here to rescue me?
O'NEILL: Well, I was going to try and kill everyone and eat their brains,
but I like your plan much better.
EVIL ALIENS: No. They are escaping. Stop them, someone. Stop them.
O'NEILL: Hey, look over there! Some factor 60!

TEAL'C: Good evening discerning viewer, and welcome to Teal'c's Wonderful
World of Watercolour
. Tonight we're going to learn how do draw a stick person and a little circle.

JONAS: Hey look what I'm building, aren't I neat?
JONAS: Wanna marry me now?
CARTER: Look, we already did Emancipation.
JONAS: Yeah, what did happen to that guy who tried to kill/marry you?
CARTER: Um... nothing.

O'NEILL: Right, would you like to tell me why you ever went out with this guy?
CARTER: A date with God, that's gotta get you a promotion, right?
O'NEILL: But he's not God.
CARTER: Yeah, and he didn't tell me that till after he proposed. Men!

ABUBU: Can I have my clothes back please?

O'NEILL: I think we all learnt something from this episode.
CARTER: I should never date.
TEAL'C: Art was my real calling.
DANIEL: And if I want more lines I should get an evil wif--Drat.
O'NEILL: Anyway, if there's one thing I like to remember from the Bible,
its the fact we should be happy that their planet is screwed, and not ours.


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