Five-Minute Stargate


Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "Forsaken"

by Hejira

Sam: Sir, Monty Python songs aren't the best ones to sing when you're not supposed to be picking up nearby chicks. From what I can see, unless your name's short for Jacqueline, I'm the only one here.
Jack: Um... er... ooo! I was singing to this picture.
Sam: You just found it!
Jack: I wouldn't have found it if I wasn't singing, would I?
Sam: I need a distraction... quick.
Entity, Jolinar, Goa'ulded Kawalsky, and Nirrti: Well...
Sam: Not that quick.
Entity, Jolinar, Goa'ulded Kawalsky, and Nirrti: Damn.

Jonas: Hey! Teal'c and I found something!
Jack: Okay, where are you?
Jonas: At this very interesting thing.
Jack: I can't see a very interesting thing.
Jonas: Oh... er... Teal'c, would you mind my standing on your shoulders and waving your staff weapon high into the air?
Teal'c: Things around here have sunk to a new low.

Pip: See? It's all because of Jonas...
Hejira: Shut up!
Nan: You gotta admit, Jonas standing on Teal'c shoulders and waving his staff weapon around does sound like a very interesting thing.

Sam: Wow - a crashed ship!
Jack: Keep going with the acrobatics, guys.
Sam: I wonder where the survivors are...
Aidan: We're watching the show.

Vern: My work has been done... wait, is this Full Circle?
All Squinty Watchers: No... [shudder]
Vern: Ah well.

Jonas: We're nice.
Jack: Unless you annoy us, then we can be downright evil snots.
Aidan: Eeek.
Sam: We're from Earth.
Jack: Shh...
Jonas: We came through the...
Jack: SHH!!!
Teal'c: An idiot says 'shh'.
Jack: SHH - it's not fair, it really isn't.

Aidan: Got fuel?
Jack: Nope.
Aidan: Care to give us a lift?

Nan: You didn't catch the girl's name again, did you?
Hejira: Shut up!
Pip: It's all because of Jonas...
Hejira: I'll buy that.

Aidan: As I was saying before I was so rudely to give us a lift?
Teal'c: Please, not again.
Aidan: Not like that... a lift with your ship.
Sam: Ship or 'ship?
Aidan: First one.
Sam: Don't have one, then.
Jonas: We used the Stargate.
Jack: Damn you!
Aidan: What's that then.
Jack: Don't worry about it -
Jonas and Sam: We're going to tell you everything! Starting with how to use it, where it is, and where we keep the addresses. Wait, scratch that last one.

Aliens: Peekaboo, we see you.

Jack: Why did you have to blab about everything?!?
Jonas: I don't think we said everything...
Sam: Let's see... that time where we found the trinium and the base was taken over by a dog, the time I nearly broke Thor's neck, the whole zatarc thing, Daniel's ascension... we didn't mention Ba'al...
Jack: Guh, buh buh guh.
Sam: Whoops. I'll, uh, just go fix the ship.
Jack: Do that, Carina.
Sam: Guh, buh buh guh...
Jonas: We just got word from the SGC - Hammond's shocked he's alive and Janet's sobbing about just being a nurse. Yet again.
Jack: Sad, but they have to learn that I rule all.

Teal'c: Did I see you guys?
Aliens: No.
Teal'c: Okay then.

Jack: Carter, get into the ship. You've had enough whumping.
Sam: No I haven't.
Jack: You're right. Get in there anyway.
Sam: You suck.

Teal'c: Seriously, did I see you guys?
Aliens: Umm...yeah.
Teal'c: Oh crap.

Jack: I'll just injure an alien.
Jack: See, injury doesn't have the same effect when the person, alien, or - hell - the plant dies.
Sam: Hey! And take note that I was shooting anyway.
Jack: Noted. The gunshots sound weird.
Sam: They sound cool.
Jack: Weird.
Sam: Cool.
Jack: Weird.
Sam: Cool.
Jack: Weird.
Jonas: I don't know if you two noticed over your bickering, but there was a very annoying high-pitched sound that drove the aliens away.
Sam: Cool.
Jack: Weird.
Sam: Cool.
Jack: Weird.
Jonas: I'll take that as a no.

Teal'c: The alien's dead.
Jack: Aww nuts. Why am I saying 'aww nuts'? It's weird.
Sam: It's cool.
Jack: Weird.
Sam: Cool.
Jonas: Cut it out!

Aidan: Hee hee - whoops. Um, those guys hate us.
Jack: I wonder why.
Aidan: Is it because of my nice butt?
Jack: Somehow I doubt it.
Sam: The chick's injured.
Jack: Any excuse to go home.

Sam: These people are so cool! They have technology that I can't wait to sink my teeth into!
George: Wait, dammit.
Sam: Yes, sir.
George: Take SG-15, just in case things go bad.
Jonas: With all due respect sir, if things go bad, we'll be needing guns, not pictures to say, "I told you so."
George: Maybe the flash on the cameras'll blind them...Is it just me, or is my state of not-deadness somehow wrong?
Sam: I don't know - I'm just trying to forget that you're bald.

Pender: Your guns suck.
Jack: So do your morals.
Aidan: Remember - the alien dudes are bad, okay?
Jack: I'll try my best, but I forgot how telescopes work even though I have one on my roof.
Aidan: Riiiiiiiiiiight. I am so gonna score.

Jonas: Here is your guide to What's Good and Bad About the 'Gate.
Chick: I'm oh so listening.

Nan: "Chick"? Teal'c's right - things have sunk to a new low.
Hejira: Okay, stop butting into my fiver.
Nan: Dude, you're the one writing it.
Hejira: Oh. Well... um... it's all because of Jonas.
Pip: Yes! I have corrupted the Jonas-lover!
Hejira: Liker.
Pip: Lover.
Hejira: Liker. And before we get caught up in a -
Pip: Lover.
Hejira: - loop, I must point out - Liker - that there are heaps of Disney -
Pip: Lover.
Hejira: - movies that indicate - Liker - that Pip's the one that...
Hejira: Ah, nice.

Aidan: The ship sucks.
Sam: Ship or 'ship?
Aidan: First one.
Sam: Agreed. But I can make sure it gets better.
Aidan: Right. Can I hit on you?
Sam: What do you think about death?
Aidan: Has to happen sometime.
Sam: Flirt away.

Alien: Wow.
Jack: Hi.
Jack: An idiot shouts...
Jack: This is really fun.
Teal'c: Indeed.

Jack: Carter, we saw an alien. Are you in a place where you could get whumped by them?
Sam: No. I'm in the ship with a captain who has a death wish.
Jack: Good. I'm gonna catch me an alien.

Sam: Wow, it's hot.
Aidan: I didn't notice. [Turns up thermostat just a bit further.] My navigator's an idiot and my first officer's a lesbian. Can I look at your zat?
Sam: My what?
Aidan: The weapon that shoots blue energy.
Sam: Oh. That. Sure.

Jack: More forest. Oh fun.

George: It sorta looks like a certain chick's gone and hacked into the SGC files.
Jonas: That's funny - it sorta looks like the ship has the name of another ship which is funny.
George: Interesting.
Jonas: Funny.
George: Interesting.
Jonas: Funny. Oh no, now I'm caught up in a -
George: Interesting.
Jonas: Funny.

Teal'c: Ooo - a camp.
Jack: I don't believe a word of Corso or his crew.
Teal'c: That was obvious.
Jack: How so?
Teal'c: Your name is Jack O'Neill.

Jack: That guy never learns, does he?

Sam: The ship works!
Aidan: Ship or 'ship?
Sam: Doesn't matter.
Aidan: Let's get drunk.
Sam: No thanks.
Aidan: You're only interested in me for my tech, aren't you?
Sam: Of course not!

Jonas: Here's some artifacts.
Chick: Kiss me!
Artifacts: We've never gone bungee jumping before... where's the cord?
Phone: It's too late to ask about that now, isn't it? Oh, and General Hammond's calling.
George (Over phone): Interesting.
Jonas (Over phone): Funny. [Hangs up.] Okay, I'll be going now.
Chick: I'll be... snooping around and cleaning my teeth.

Sam: What's this?
Message: Dude, there's something not right here!
Sam: Reading you loud and clear.

Jack: Where are you, Pender?
Alien: I don't know where he is. Look, there's something not right here.
Jack: I knew it.
Alien: I'm the captain, Aidan's no one... except a really bad dude.

Sam: Hello, Aidan.
Aidan: You're pointing the zat at me - is this part of the death wish thing?
Sam: No, that usually comes without any help from me. What's this about the ship transporting prisoners?
Aidan: Uh... um... I messed up and the prisoners took control - those aliens are the prisoners.
Sam: Loser. You've even lost my radio.

Alien: Anyone seen that Voyager episode where Chakotay was enlisted into an army?
Teal'c: Yep.
Jack: Nup.
Alien: Well, things are pretty much like that. They're the prisoners, and we're the good guys.
Jack: So...Carter's in prime whumping territory?
Sam: Sir, I found my radio.
Jack: Good. Just don't get whumped.
Sam: Yes sir.
Pender: Time to get whumped, Major.
Sam: That's just not crick - ungh.

Pearce: Hello, General.
George: What's been happening?
Pearce: We've taken lots of nice photos...
George: We're sending Jonas and the chick back.
Jonas: Hi.
Pearce: Say cheese!

Aidan: Carter's smart - way too smart. Fixed the ship and found that jigsaw puzzle piece that went missing. Too bad we flicked the other pieces into the alien's eyes.

Jonas: Woah, unconscious blonde chick at twelve o'clock!
Aidan: Hi.
Jonas: Ack. Zat is ouchie.
Chick: Hey, howzabout we go through the 'gate instead of going on the ship?
Aidan: Sounds good.

Jack: Carter got whumped!
Alien: Don't do anything.
Jack: But Carter got whumped!
Alien: I see that doing anything isn't a problem of yours right now.
Jack: I can't believe that Carter got whumped!
Teal'c: No one heard you complain when you shot her twice.
Jack: It was an internal self-whumping.

Sound: Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...
Alien: This is very, very, very annoying. Still, what must be done must be done. Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow... sound off. Owwww...

Sam: They taped my mouth up with duct tape.
Jack: Guh, buh buh guh...
Teal'c: That was probably the most stupid thing you've ever done.
Sam: Really? I must have been drunk. Can't remember a thing. Go save Jonas, sir.
Jack: Yes, ma'am.
Sam: Ahh. Sweet superiority.

Aidan: Let us through the 'gate, or Jonas dies.

Pip: You know, they really shouldn't let them through the 'gate...
Hejira: If you dislike Jonas so much, you should know that making his life a living hell would be better than just letting him die. "What Would Khan Do?" should be your philosophy.
Pip: Explain.

Chick: You're cute, Jonas.
Jonas: Really?
Aidan: I'm not sure how that translates, as she's a lesbian.
Jonas: Uh huh. Oh god. Oh dear god. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my life really really sucks. *sniffle*

Hejira: See?
Pip: The jury's still out... but it was fun to see!

Aidan: What the hell are we doing here?
George: Getting arrested.
Aidan: No kidding.

Alien: You smartass.
Jonas: Thank you.
Alien: By the way, Colonel, you were singing to a picture of my wife.
Jack: I was not!
Sam: Really? So what's your excuse now?
Jack: I'm a lumberjack and I'm okay?


Legal notices. You are number ### to appear in a fiver in grand MST3K style. Or sing to a picture of somebody's wife. One of those.