Five-Minute Stargate

Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "Frozen"

by Nan

[Antarctica. A scientist chick web-conferences with Carter.]
Michaels: We may have found something cool. By may I mean we have, and it's bigly, hugely, bigly, hugely, big and cool.
Carter: Er... the DHD from Antarctica might be fifty million years old. Cool, eh?
Michaels: Cool.
Other Scientist Guy: Yo! We found something cool!

[SG-1 is flown to the Antarctic base...]
Jonas: That plane is leaving...?
O'Neill: Because it's cold. Hence the title of the episode.
Michaels: Hey, wanna see something really cool?
Jonas: Is it a frozen body from millions of years ago?
Michaels: Oh, sure. Wreck my dramatic build up...

Fraiser: Hey, this tissue sample looks weird. It's still viable.
Jonas: Weird. Cool.

[They start thawing out "Aiyana," the frozen woman.]
Fraiser: Hey, I'll shine this light on her eye. Holy good gravy! She's alive!
Jonas: She's hot. Cold, but hot.
Fraiser: Oy.

Carter: Hey, this is big stuff. Byers, go with that other guy and get ice core samples.
Osbourne: I'm not Byers! The X-Files is over!
Carter: Meh.

[Aiyana comes to.]
Jonas: Me Jonas.
Michaels: Me Francine.
Aiyana: A-ma-zing.

[Michaels and Jonas report to the others.]
Michaels: Dude! She's, like, cool. Uber healing powers.
Everyone: Cool.

[Jonas brings food.]
Jonas: Yummy. Frozen dinner.
Aiyana: A-ma-zing.

Fraiser: Hey, maybe Aiyana's related to us.
Carter: Maybe Aiyana's an Ancient.
Fraiser: Maybe we're also part Ancient.
Fraiser + Carter: Cool.

Fraiser: Michaels is sick. Aiyana might be carrying a disease. We're stuck here.
O'Neill: I hate quarantine episodes.
Carter: I'm not fond of the freezing-to-death episodes, m'self.

O'Neill (into radio): Hey! Byers, other guy! Yo! Where the cold-day-in-hell are you?

Fraiser: Yeah, I got bupkis. Michaels is really sick. Byers and Woods probably are too. Feverish, amusingly enough.

[Osbourne staggers in.]
Osbourne: I'm... not... Byers. Agh.

[O'Neill goes out to find Woods.]
Carter: So, go out into that frozen wasteland and bring him back alive, okay?
O'Neill: Gotcha.
MajorClanger: And keep your hat on!

[Jonas talks to Aiyana.]
Jonas: Hey, can you understand what I'm saying?
Aiyana: [nods]
Jonas: Hey, can you tell us how you heal yourself?
Aiyana: [shakes head]
Jonas: Smeg.
Aiyana: [nods]
Jonas: At least I have lines.
Aiyana: [nods]
Jonas: Poor you.
Aiyana: [nods]
Jonas: You're gonna die in this episode, aren't you?
Aiyana: [nods]
Jonas: Bummer.
Aiyanan: [nods]

Carter: Wow. Aiyana could be really, really old.
Fraiser: Cool.
Jonas: Check it out: she understands me. How cool is that?
Fraiser: Can she help?
Jonas: Er... well... Hey--O'Neill's back.
Everyone: Cool.

[O'Neill returns with Woods. They find he is BADLY frostbitten.]
Everyone: Ew.

[Woods expires. Aiyana brings him back, fixing his nasty frostbite.]
Everyone: Cool.
Aiyana: [faints]
Nan: Okay, the running jokes about temperature must stop!
Carter: That's not coo--
Nan: Ah ah ah--careful!

Jonas: Hey, can you save Byers and Michaels?
Aiyana: [pause]
Jonas: Osbourne and Michaels?
Aiyana: [nods]

[Aiyana saves Michaels and Osbourne.]
O'Neill: Cool.
Fraiser: Not so cool.

Fraiser: Aiyana can't save us all. Seeing as how it weakens her.
O'Neill: Well, crap.
Fraiser: And all the un-healed are gonna get real sick pretty soon.
Everyone: Well, that's not--
Nan: [glare]
Everyone: --good.

[Woods talks to Aiyana.]
Woods: Hey. I--
Aiyana: [causes him to fall asleep.]

Aiyana: [heals Carter, Fraiser, and Jonas.]

Aiyana: [could use more dialogue.]

[They find Aiyana passed out. She was trying to heal O'Neill. They are all evac'ed to the SGC.]
Hammond: Why can't she heal herself?
Fraiser: I guess it's a weird, alien thing.
Hammond: Ah...

Jonas: You rock.
Aiyana: [smiles]
Jonas: Please avoid dying.
Aiyana: [shakes head]
Jonas: Eh?
Aiyana: My only line... is "sorry."
Jonas: Wah.
Aiyana: [dies]
Jonas: [sniff]

Thoren: Hey, we can stick a Tok'ra symbiote in him. Temporarily, I mean.
Jonas: Um... [sniff]
Carter: Aw. Aiyana was the only one who avoided the "cool" jokes.
Everyone Except Thoren: [sniff]

[Carter tries to convince O'Neill to accept the symbiote.]
O'Neill: No.
Carter: C'mon, it'll just be a time-share, and only till they find a new host.
O'Neill: No.
Carter: You'll die, otherwise.
O'Neill: No.
Carter: Please?
O'Neill: Okay.

[O'Neill is borne through the gate.]
Everyone: [sniff]


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