Five-Minute Stargate

Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "Meridian"

by Matt G

Sam: Sir, Daniel's radioactive.
Hammond: How bad?
Sam: Very!
Hammond: OK, this sucks, what happened!
Sam: Well sir, the place we went to is about to go into a Cold War!
Hammond: And?
Sam: Some of the locals have found some Goa'uld stuff!
Hammond: And?
Sam: They're interested in the Stargate!
Hammond: And?
Sam: Flashback time!
Jonas: Jonas Quinn, bureaucrat.
Jack: Bureaucrat?
Jonas: Sounds good in a fiver! Good to see you anyway!
Jack: You guys seem jumpy!
Jonas: So we should! Check this out!
Daniel: I'm fully capable of saving your naïve ass if this goes wrong!
Sam: Flashback over! This guy advises the guy in charge. He's also highly qualified!
Jack: Remind you of anyone?
Sam: Back to the flashback...
Daniel: Can we check the gate site out?
Jonas: Sure! Our guys haven't found much - lots of alien stuff though!
Daniel: Sounds good!
Jonas: What's the catch?
Jack: You'll find out!
Jonas: Welcome to our Project Manhattan!

Sam: What's this thing?
Scientist: Found it in an alien temple, race called the Gold!
Tealc: No that's the colour of their armour, the name's Goa'uld!
Scientist: Well, it's powered by something called Naquadria, NOT Naquadah, this is a lot more lethal! Nyah!
Jack: Flashback over! Think Hiroshima but worse!
Sam: A lot worse.
Hammond: I hate off-world politics!
Jack: Doesn't matter, they think we suck anyway.
Sam: Daniel tried to get them to U-turn but...
Hammond: But what?
Sam: They're trying to frame Daniel.
Hammond: That does suck!
Jack: Hey, what's up?
Daniel: Radiation, TPTB suck, man, you know that I'm dead!
Jack: What happened?
Daniel: They screwed up, they want to cover their ass, it happens!
Hammond: Well, we got the Asgard's answerphone, Jacob's not at home...this definitely sucks.
Jack: Sarcophogus?
Hammond: Ain't happening!
Sam: Daniel's gotten hit by a ton of radiation.
Jack: Tell me something I didn't know.
Sam: That sort of energy could be useful, we need this stuff!
Hammond: We need this stuff.
Jack: They suck.
Sam: We definitely need this stuff.
Jack: They still suck!
Hammond: Diplomobabble! Deliver this letter.
Jack: OK! They still suck though!

Jonas: Hey Colonel - you're not mad are you?
Jack: Of course I'm mad! You framed my best mate! But the higher ups think that your stuff is useful!
Jonas: Best wishes.
Jack: Well you suck anyway! Stop covering your ass!
Jonas: Ain't happening! We're in a pissing contest! Nyah!
Jack: And our war supersedes your pissing contest! Nyah! Nyah!

Sam: This sucks!
Janet: I'm helpless.
Sam: This definitely sucks!

Sam: Let's see if this works!
[Hand device does no good whatsoever.]
Sam: That didn't work!
Janet: Medibabble! This sucks supremely
Daniel: Is this a near death experience? Freaky!
Oma: Hi!
Daniel: What you doing here?

Daniel: Hi!
Jack: Hi
Daniel: How's things?
Jack: Jonas seems clueless, youdaman by the way!
Daniel: Thanks! BTW, Oma's in town.

Oma: Free your mind, and the rest will follow!
Daniel: You want me to join you?
Oma: Why not?
Daniel: How?
Oma: Chill out.
Daniel: Then?
Oma: Babble.
Daniel: Huh?
Oma: Come closer to tock!
Daniel: Are you sure you're on the right show?
Oma: Well are you up for it?
Daniel: Let's go!
Oma: Babble.
Daniel: Help!

Jonas: Our politicians suck! Mind if I join you? I got some naquadriah!
Jack: Youdaman! Welcome to Earth!
Jonas: Flashback time!
Jonas: That book was cool
Daniel: Already?
Jonas: I da man when it comes to reading! Stargate sounds wicked though!
Daniel: Your pissing contest is nothing compared to what's going on out there! Anyway - naquadriah experiments have gone to hell before - watch your step!
Jonas: It's our call!

Scientists: Cool FX!
[Scientists hit deck.]
Jonas: I need new underwear!
Daniel: Looks like I'm going out in a blaze of glory!
[Daniel dives into lab.]
Daniel: You owe me one - uh, oh, radioactivity, this sucks!
Jonas: Flashback over! Daniel rules!

Daniel: I don't rule! Who knows how much difference I made?
Oma: Not me, and that's saying something! They owe you, you rule!
Daniel: I owe them not to die, how come I rule anyway? I suck IMO!

Sam: Jonas rules! You rule! I'm getting emotional here!

Oma: Believe me, you rule!
Daniel: Final answer?

Tealc: Want this back?
Daniel: You can't hear me, but thanks anyway!
Tealc: You rule! Hell, even I'm getting emotional here and that's saying something!

Oma: Jack says it, Sam says it, Tealc says it, Jonas says it, I say it, you rule!
Daniel: I suck!
Oma: You've been around since the movie! You rule!
Daniel: I should have stayed on Abydos! My girlfriends keep getting killed, The Goa'uld ain't gonna be defeated anytime soon! I suck!
Oma: Come on, at least you've tried!
Daniel: Doesn't matter.
Oma: Yeah right!
Daniel: Face it, I suck!
Oma: You're one of the good guys, that's enough for me.

Jonas: They'll think I suck now! Could you help us?
Hammond: Sure
[Jacob comes through Stargate.]
Jacob: You're jumpy!
Hammond: Sorry, could you help us out here?
Jacob: I'll try

[Hand device does no good whatsoever.]
Selmak: I think you'll need a new character
Sam: Not yet!
[Hand device does no good whatsoever.]

Daniel: Don't go yet!
Oma: Why shouldn't I? Your call!
Daniel: Look, these people need me!
Oma: Come on, you get to control the weather - beat that!
Daniel: Deal!

Daniel: Hello! I'm having an out of body experience here! That hand device is not going to work! Hey Jack!

Jack: What the--l? What was that for?
Daniel: I'm outta here! I'm hooking up with Oma!
Jack: You becoming one of those glowy things?
Daniel: Yep.

Jack: Forget it Jacob, It ain't gonna work.
Jacob: What the--?
Jack: Trust me.
[Daniel becomes glowy.]
Jack: That's why it wasn't gonna work!

Jack: I'll miss you.
Daniel: So will some nutcases!
Nutcases: KILL HIM!
Jack: One second.
[Nutcases hit the deck.]
Jack: Hope MacKenzie's not too busy!


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