Five-Minute Stargate

Five-Minute Stargate SG-1: "Shadow Play"

by Nan

[Earth receives a transmission from those guys from Jonas' planet.]
Hammond: They want to reopen diplomatic relations.
O'Neill: Yeah, but they suck.
Carter: Yeah, but they have naquadriah.
O'Neill: D'oh.

Teal'c: Hey, man. The guys from your planet are gonna be here soon.
Jonas: They think I suck.
Teal'c: They won't always. I don't think. Anyway, you don't suck.

Hammond: Hey.
Hale: Hey.
Dralock: Hey.
Kieran: Hey.
Nan: I can't get over that these people are from Kelowna. Heh heh heh...

O'Neill: Who's the scientist guy?
Jonas: My old mentor, Dean Stockwell--er, Dr. Kieran.

Carter: Betsy Hagopian, from the X-Files!
O'Neill: Wait, one of the residents from "The Gamekeeper"?
Teal'c: Oooh, speaking of the X-Files, Carter--
Carter: One more word and you die.
Dralock: Um, helloo?

Dralock: The other two prime powers are signing a pact. We'll be screwed, as they'll soundly whup us. We want Earth tech to beat them.
O'Neill: I, for one, don't give a smeg.
Carter: We are so not pulling another Euronda. It's enough that they're calling me "Oppenheimer" around the office...
Dralock: Without help, we'll have to use a naquadriah bomb. How's that for blackmail?

[SG-1 considers the semi-threat.]
Teal'c: So?
Jonas: The Kelownans are gonna be whupped. Trust me, I was on the "Is Kelowna going to be whupped?" committee.
Carter: That sucks.
O'Neill: And you can't be concerned about your homeworld, since you're on SG-1, now.
Jonas: That sucks.

Hammond: The PTBs want a suggestion.
O'Neill: Pass this along: "Arms deal equals bad. Signed, Jack O'Neill, saviour of the Earth on numerous occasions."
Hammond: You'd think that all that saving the Earth would give us greater credibility.

[Doc Kieran comes through the gate.]
Kieran: Dralock and Hale suck. Lemme see Jonas.

Kieran: Hey.
Jonas: Hey. Our people are lame for being so fragmented and disagreeable.
Kieran: Wanna join The Resistance? We need you to help us either way.
Jonas: Ack.

Kieran: We could totally pull it off.
Jonas: Really?
Kieran: Well, we kind of have to.

Hammond: Can they pull it off?
Jonas: Well, they kind of have to.
Hammond: Go to Kelowna with non-military technology. And, while you're at it, check out The Resistance.

Dralock: Here is the Kelownan Chief Guy.
Velis: Howdy, all.
Carter: What's with the extra naquadriah?
Velis: New mine shafts. Oodles of naquadriah.
Carter: Can we say "Chernobyl," boys and girls?

Velis: We want a missile defence system.
Carter: How about antibiotics?
Valis: Hmm... Save millions of people from infection, or blow stuff up. Naw, we want big guns.

O'Neill: Take us to The Resistance.
Kieran: Er... about that... they call me, I don't call them.
Jonas: Aw, c'mon... You know you wanna...

"Resistance Guy": About these Earth guys...
Kieran: I'd advise meeting with them, because Jonas says so.
"Resistance Guy": Okay, then. You look a little wiggy.

[Velis' office. It's all dark and creepy.]
Velis: Jonas. Have a seat.
Jonas: This looks like a hangout for Cancerman.
Velis: Excuse me while I ramble ominously about your potential and how dangerous the situation is. Blah blah blah, total defeat... world domination, blah blah blah... fetch Earth tech for us... Kieran is a crazy bugger...
Jonas: Eh?
Velis: Spy on him. He trusts you. And he's been acting wiggy. And, if you do it, you'll get a full pardon and a new car. And this lovely watch.
Jonas: I think I'll leave this issue unresolved.

Kieran: I feel all icky.
Jonas (maybe): Chill, man. Chill... listen to the hypnotic serenity of my voice...

Velis: Missile defense! Defensive purposes only.
O'Neill: Defensive, my foot. Back me up here, Teal'c.
Teal'c: Defensive, my foot.
Carter: What they said.

O'Neill: Where's Kieran?
Jonas: I dunno.
Carter: How about you guys stop chest-thumping and let the Earthlings step in?
Velis: No. We don't wanna tell the others that the stargate exists.
Carter: Why not?
Velis: You didn't.
O'Neill: That's beside the point...

Kieran: My colleagues are disappearing. It's just me, now. You guys can help if you take over this place.
O'Neill: No. We're going home.
Kieran: We have naquadriah. Wanna meet The Resistance?
O'Neill: Yes. We're staying here.

["Jonas" and Kieran are pursued by "armed guys." Kieran suffers a bad fall. "Jonas" vanishes.]
Nan: Why am I having flashbacks to Russell Crowe in "A Beautiful Mind?"

Fraiser: Nasty head wound. Good thing we have him.
Carter: If he actually smuggled naquadriah, I could track it.

[Carter and the Geiger Counter Posse track the naquadriah through Kelowna. Heh heh heh. "Kelowna". Heh heh heh...]

Fraiser: The guy has advanced schizophrenia--
Nan: I knew it! I knew it!
Fraiser: --but he's weirdly old to have it just setting in. Like, by about fifteen years.
Hammond: : And nobody noticed in that time?
Fraiser: Must be from some other source than usual. Though, granted, nobody's really sure where typical schizophrenia comes from, but that's beside the point...

Carter: Hey--naquadriah.

Jonas: You guys are stupid. You wanna use the bomb.
Velis: Bite me.
Jonas: You're all insane!
O'Neill: So's your prof.
Jonas: Well, that screws my moral authority right there...

O'Neill: Jonas... your prof is nuts. The Resistance doesn't exist.
Hale: At least three scientists on the naquadriah project went wiggy.
Jonas: Nice that you tell me now.

Fraiser: Naquadriah. Brain damage.
Carter: Inadequate shielding.
Hammond: : Nary a whisper from the Kelownans.
Teal'c: Kelownans probably at war.
Fraiser: Kieran's not saveable. Institution.
Jonas: I'm wigging out on the inside...

Kieran: I see nonexistent people. Walking around like regular people. They don't even know they're nonexistent. I don't even know they're nonexistent.
Jonas: That's okay. You're going to a nice room in Happyland. Sniff.


Legal notices. You are number ### to se nonexistent people... walking around like regular people. *Nan is dragged away by Hollywood Pictures' legal team*