Five-Minute TV

Five-Minute Andromeda by Zeke

Five-Minute Angel by Zeke

Five-Minute Babylon 5 by Sa'ar Chasm

Five-Minute Doctor Who by Scooter

Five-Minute Farscape by Zeke

Five-Minute Firefly by Jade

Five-Minute The OC by Zeke

Five-Minute Smallville by Derek Dean

Battlestar Galactica
The Gun on Ice Planet Zero Marc Richard Taking a cue from Marvin the Martian, the Cylons plan to eliminate the Galactica with an earth-shattering Ka-Boom.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
The Wish Zeke Cordelia learns that when you spend too much time preening yourself in front of the looking glass, you may end up through it.
Déjà Vu All Over Again Jade Prue, Phoebe, and Piper do... I dunno, time travel stuff and witchery and whatever else they do on that show. Zeke's note to self: before writing next blurb, do homework.
Baby's First Demon catalina marina The girls struggle with a certain baby who will not remain nameless.
Prince of Wails Derek Dean Quinn becomes a robbin' hood to stop a tyrant. Arturo is not a merry man.
Gillian of the Spirits Derek Dean Quinn suffers from Patrick Swayze envy.
The X-Files
War of the Coprophages Thinkey With help from Martha Scully, Mulder takes up debugging and tries to endeer himself.
Jose Chung's From Outer Space Derek Dean Mulder and Scully struggle to unravel a conspiracy of nested flashbacks.
Within Hejira The FBI sends Doggett to kill Mulder for taking too much vacation time. Scully's fish eat like kings.
Redrum Aragorngirl Lot a. Time in back travels Martin named guy a.
4-D Kira Having flunked out of Logic 101, Reyes kills Doggett to prove she didn't shoot him.
Part of the Five-Minute Voyager subsite network

Other subsites:
Voyager Enterprise Andromeda Next Generation
Deep Space Nine Star Trek Shakespeare Videogames

Five-Minute Voyager and subsites are © Colin Hayman.