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Zeke 02-07-2006 10:34 AM

February 7

The Doctor Who update is finally here! This is what you might call a micro-event -- it's just one day, but features two important fivers, representing the first and latest episodes of the current Who series.
<ul>[*]Part one is "Rose," my first Doctor Who fiver. This was first slated for the 5MDW launch in June, and in fact I got about a third of the fiver written around then. (Believe it or not, this isn't even close to my record for time difference between parts of a fiver.) Attentive readers will already have noticed that I love this episode, as I've referenced it more than once in other stuff.[*]Part two is "The Christmas Invasion" by Scooter. This between-season special was our introduction to the Tenth Doctor, played by David Tennant. (It also introduced an alien race called the Sycorax -- bonus points for anyone who remembers another alien by that name!) Parts of Scooter's fiver make more sense if you know that there's a spinoff series called Torchwood coming up. We don't know much about it yet except that (a) it features Jack Harkness from last season, (b) "The Christmas Invasion" seems to have sown some of the seeds for it, and (c) the title's an anagram of Doctor Who.[/list]So that's our double feature. The pairing couldn't have worked out better -- you'll notice that Scooter and I use nearly identical gags at one point. It's pure coincidence (neither of us had read the other's fiver when those bits were written), but it looks like inter-fiver continuity. Score!

Gatac 02-07-2006 10:44 AM

Does that mean there'll be fivers for the rest of Virtual Voyager Season 9? :D


Scooter 02-07-2006 12:34 PM

In honor of our micro-event I contacted the stars of our two episodes. Here's what they had to say:

Derek 02-07-2006 12:55 PM


Rose: So now you're hunting this Nesting Con--
Doctor: Nestene. Common mistake.
Very common, I hear. Though linking won't work since you seem to have fixed your panel.


Doctor: I don't want to kill them if I don't have to. Stand back, you two -- this will require tact. (ahem) Greetings, little worms! I have come to discuss the details of your surrender!
ENT fiver references. Exellent.

Never seen DW, but good fiver, Zeke!


Llewellyn: Yes, I can read your speaker credit. What about my probe?
Alex: If you'll just step this way --
Llewellyn: No, no, the space probe!
Worth a shot.

And I assume that's actual Klingon?


Doctor: Yes, but why? These people are just one jump ahead of the breadline. One swing ahead of the sword. They steal only what -- wait, that's Aladdin. But the point still stands!
Otherwise they'd get along?

Nice fiver, Scooter!

Anonymous 02-07-2006 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Derek

Rose: So now you're hunting this Nesting Con--
Doctor: Nestene. Common mistake.
Very common, I hear. Though linking won't work since you seem to have fixed your panel.

Now it's not a mistake — it's continuity!

Rose: Um, these photos are obviously doctored.
Clive: Exactly!

Gen. Jack O'Neill: Plastic aliens? Are you out of your minds?

London Eye: Check it! Heat vision!

Pamela Anderson: Well, that was the weirdest ten minutes of my life.
I only have one word to say -- fantastic.

Anonymous 02-07-2006 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Derek

Rose: So now you're hunting this Nesting Con--
Doctor: Nestene. Common mistake.
Very common, I hear. Though linking won't work since you seem to have fixed your panel.

Now it's not a mistake — it's continuity!

Rose: Um, these photos are obviously doctored.
Clive: Exactly!

Gen. Jack O'Neill: Plastic aliens? Are you out of your minds?

London Eye: Check it! Heat vision!

Pamela Anderson: Well, that was the weirdest ten minutes of my life.
I only have one word to say -- fantastic.

And I assume that's actual Klingon?
Naturally. I have the translations, too, if anyone's interested.

BTW, speaking of continuity:
Finally: Love the blurbs, too, Zeke.

Scooter 02-07-2006 01:12 PM

Grrr. That was me. stupid browser

Chancellor Valium 02-07-2006 05:22 PM

I likey a lot.

Kristina 02-07-2006 06:47 PM

And I second Chancellor Valium's statement. :lol: Good work, both!

I cheated on the Klingon:


the Sycorax -- bonus points for anyone who remembers another alien by that name!
I can only think of Shakespeare's The Tempest, but are witches aliens? Oh, wait -- if they are Discworldian, they have to be, I suppose. Anyone care to enlighten me?

Derek 02-07-2006 06:59 PM

Nice site, Kristina. Are you fluent in Klingon?

Kristina 02-07-2006 08:41 PM

Isn't it great? I have that one filed under "necessary sites of reference". :D

On being fluent: does having taught your six-year-old to say "Qapla'" and "nuqneH" count? (Well, he knew Qapla' at age two - that completely made a Warsie I know go green with envy...) If not, then I'm afraid I don't qualify. I know how to count to ten and say a few of these everyday phrases, but that's about it. I have, however, put "conversational Klingon" on my homemade calling cards. If nothing else, it should generate a few smiles, anyway.

Tate 02-08-2006 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kristina

the Sycorax -- bonus points for anyone who remembers another alien by that name!
I can only think of Shakespeare's The Tempest, but are witches aliens? Oh, wait -- if they are Discworldian, they have to be, I suppose. Anyone care to enlighten me?

For a clue, look at Gatac's post at the start of this thread.
Or you could go here:
Or here:
Or even here:
Hope this helps.

MaverickZer0 02-10-2006 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by Kristina
And I second Chancellor Valium's statement. :lol: Good work, both!

I cheated on the Klingon:


the Sycorax -- bonus points for anyone who remembers another alien by that name!
I can only think of Shakespeare's The Tempest, but are witches aliens? Oh, wait -- if they are Discworldian, they have to be, I suppose. Anyone care to enlighten me?

Virtual Voyager Season 8/9. The Sycorax were the bubble-inhabiting aliens.

Gatac 02-10-2006 05:40 AM

Actually, the species was called Sernaix; Sycorax was their leader.

(Hence my remark about getting fivers for the rest of VVS9, by the way.)


Kristina 02-10-2006 07:07 AM

I remembered the aliens as the Sernaix, too, so I was a bit confused by your first post, Gatac. I had completely forgotten the name of their leader, which just goes to show that my brain idles more quickly these days...

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