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Old 09-23-2021, 02:22 AM
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June 17th, 1991, "Redemption Part One"

Up front, I understand how this story was bumped by a year by "The Best of Both Worlds." However, that doesn't mean that they shouldn't have used the intervening time well. In particular, saying that it took a year for Gowron to officially take over is ridiculous. That should've happened earlier, along with a proper Duras Sisters introduction, to make room in this episode for the actual civil war.

Fiver by Zeke

The Episode

Captain's log, stardate 44995.3. We're en route to the Klingon home world, where I will participate in the installation ceremony of Gowron, the next designated Leader of the High Council.

I'm confused about Picard's role here. Aren't his Arbiter of Succession duties done? I'd rather this was a more general reaffirm-the-treaty-show-the-flag thing.

WORF: It is not time yet.
PICARD: That doesn't sound like the man who came to me a year ago fiercely determined to return home and to clear his father's name or die trying. Isn't it time to confront the Council? To regain your family name? Let the truth be known?

I'd rather ask Worf what time he thinks IS right.

PICARD: And who speaks for his family now?
GOWRON: Lursa and B'Etor, the sisters of Duras.
PICARD: And they would claim the leadership of the Council?
GOWRON: Women may not serve on the Council.

But Gowron offered K'ehlyr a seat a year ago! Furthermore, Gowron didn't answer Picard's question. Picard was asking about leading the Council, Gowron is talking about being on the council.

It's not fair to talk about Azetbur, she hasn't been invented yet, but I'm still going to do it. In Star Trek VI they were treating the top spot like a monarchy, which I have problems with. In the TNG era it makes much more sense, intended for the most worthy warrior.

For that matter, shouldn't the best warrior get the top job? Gowron doesn't seem like a better warrior than average. At least Duras seems like a guy who actually trains himself. But then again, does K'mpec seem like he was ever that good of a warrior? Why would you need to poison this guy, just challenge him to a fight and stab him!

I'm meandering, I'm sorry.

WORF: I practice at level fourteen.
GUINAN: Guess I could come down to that level for a while. Begin programme.

GUINAN: Good game. Don't feel bad. I was doing this long before you were born. So how is he? Your son.

I get that they needed an interaction between Guinan and Worf here, but I'm not sure that target shooting was the right choice here. Sure, you can't have Whoopi Goldberg tussling with holographic monsters, but there must've been another choice.

KURN: Gowron will not live to see the day he leads the Council.
WORF: What do you mean?
KURN: He stands alone, surrounded by his enemies. Lursa and B'Etor will have him killed. And if they don't, I will.
WORF: You will?
KURN: Gowron is weak. The family of Duras must never be allowed to lead the Council. Our leaders have failed us. They no longer deserve our loyalty. It is time to sweep away the old Council and put a new one in its place.

Kurn seems a little mixed up. Even should his faction manage to kill Gowron and Duras, that still leaves other problems. Furthermore, Martok later said that cowardice was the only real reason to remove Gowron, and just like during the war Gowron is not a coward even if he's not the best warrior.

K'TAL: naDev ghoS!
(Picard walks forward)
K'TAL: Have you reached a decision regarding the succession of power?
PICARD: Qaja plu d'itch jung. La woq you ghir klas qimha. Gowron. Doj hon. Doj hon.

"Come here!" Picard's line hasn't been translated. Trust me, I've looked.

K'TAL: Gowron, son of M'Rel, hakt'em. The Arbiter confirms that you have completed the Rite of Succession. Your enemies have been destroyed. You stand alone. Do you wish to claim leadership of the Council?
GOWRON: I wish it.
K'TAL: Are there no other challengers?

I have a problem with this bit. If Gowron has had to answer challengers during this entire transitionary period, why was there a transitory period? Seriously, Gowron should've been assumed to have taken over after "Reunion" and the Klingons should be having a problem with his pro-Federation methods.

GOWRON: The illegitimate son of Duras cannot rule the High Council.
K'TAL: The Arbiter will consider his validity. Len'mat.

Again, the Klingon Empire is not a hereditary monarchy. You have to prove yourself in battle to even be eligible! Why is this kid here?

KURN [on monitor]: I have met with the other squadron commanders here. Three will join us, one will not. That gives us enough strength to control seven key sectors.

Three squadrons can control seven sectors? I do wish they could've told us how many ships to a squadron. Furthermore, in naval tradition a squadron is merely one part of a fleet or task force. I sorta get that in Trek they tend to use the term "fleet" to refer to ALL ships in a certain government's military, but "task force" or "flotilla" would've worked better.

PICARD: Mister Worf, you're using our files on the Khitomer massacre as evidence against Duras' father?
WORF: Yes, sir.
PICARD: Do you not see an inherent conflict of interest here?
WORF: Sir, those Federation records will help me prove that my father was falsely accused of treason.
PICARD: You are using your position as a Starfleet officer to affect political change on your planet. There could not be a worse compromise of our fundamental principles.

I'm with SF Debris here, this seems iffy. Truth is truth, after all. Frankly all of the Starfleet records on the Khitomer massacre should've been turned over back in "Reunion" after Duras and K'ehlyr were killed.

GOWRON: You come to me and demand the restoration of your family honour and now you hide behind human excuses? What are you, Worf? Do you tremble and quake with fear at the approach of combat, hoping to talk your way out of a fight like a human? Or do you hear the cry of the warrior calling you to battle, calling you to glory like a Klingon?

You can't say that they didn't write Gowron consistently. It's amazing how much of an arc they got out of this character.

WOMAN: Celebrate later, Toral. We should not discount Jean Luc Picard yet. He is human, and humans have a way of showing up when you least expect them.

A good line, often overlooked.

The Fiver

Captain's Log: We're on our way to Qo'noS so I can officially install Gowron as Chancellor. I tried this once before, but had to stop when Worf performed an illegal operation.

Ah, the early days of Windows humor.

Gowron: (over the comm) Greetings, Federation scum. FEAR MY CREEPY EYES.

Lots of people talk about how Gowron stares. I don't take it that seriously, but I see where they're coming from.

Picard: Gowron, I simply cannot choose sides in a Klingon civil war, no matter how cool my first officer thinks it would be.
Gowron: Look into my eyes and say that.
Picard: All right, but -- whoa. Creepy. Still no, though.
Worf: Captain, we must do something to help Gowron!
Picard: We could provide him with contact lenses.
Worf: That's it, I quit.

I would've used sunglasses here, but whatever...

Picard: If you must go, Worf, at least share a nostalgia trip with me. (sigh) I remember the day you first came aboard....
Worf: Sir, I really wouldn't enter the quarters.
Picard: were so young and red-shir--
Worf: Ouch. You're lucky that bounced off your artificial heart.

Definite Avengers flashbacks here. "Usually this works..."

Memory Alpha

* Major continuity error here about Guinan making Worf laugh. She did that back in "Yesterday's Enterprise."

Nitpicker's Guide

* Worf forgot to pack the family bat'leth. Oops.
* The Great Hall is way bigger here than in "Sins of the Fathers." There's been plenty of time for a remodel, and for all we know there are two Great Halls.
* Phil points out Worf's red blood and its conflict with The Undiscovered Country. I'd rather chalk that up to "the blood really was red" just like "the Klingons always had ridges, there was no need for Augment virus nonsense."
mudshark: Nate's just being...Nate.
Zeke: It comes nateurally to him.

mudshark: I don't expect Nate to make sense, really -- it's just a bad idea.

Sa'ar Chasm on the forum: Sit back, relax, and revel in the insanity.

Adam Savage: I reject your reality and substitute my own!

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

Crow T. Robot: Oh, stop pretending there's a plot. Don't cheapen yourself further.
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